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So this guy is Bo. We adopted him and his brother Tristan years ago. We have finally come to the end of a nightmare, of numerous Vet visits, injections, oral meds, etc

It turns out that after 2 years of loudly vocalizing his pain, with no relief no matter what we did, we found the cause:


He got a hold of some of my beading needles, 2 of them or so from the pieces they took out yesterday, and had swallowed them. They went through his digestive system and lodged in different areas. Don't ask how he got a hold of them. Like the soap room, you need a retinal scan to get into the craft room. Those rules are set in stone, because I have kids that visit, and I take safety seriously. (joking about the retinal scan but 2 deadbolts on each door.)

So I gripe here, because I need to vent. After 2 years, 2 states, 5 vets and over $23,000 in vet bills/medication we finally found a vet that agreed with me about it not being arthritis, and decided to go hunting after hearing our story. He was supposed to do Xrays for his teeth cleaning, and the “arthritis” area but he just told the tech to do a full body because “This guy has been hurting for a while. I want to see what is going on” Most of the x rays taken up until this point were localized to specific areas that each Vet thought was the issue. Most blamed it on a fall he took and said that “arthritis” was setting in on his hind legs. Even medicated him for it including injections twice a month that I administered, and numerous other oral medications. Not one of those 5 Vets thought to X ray anything else, certainly not the stomach area even though I had asked. I would get the usual dismissal of "you have not been to Vet school", but politely put.

This time around, what the new vet found made me just break down into tears of frustration, anger, and relief. 2 years my boy suffered. Two years of helplessness, and friends asking me to put him down because of the cost. As if it would be ok to put them down if they were sick for a period of time. He was still eating, running, being a cat. There were moments when we thought we had found the right combination of medication, because he would not scream in pain for weeks. Then it would start again, so his quality of life was there in between the madness.
3 hours on the operating table and 14 staples later he is home and resting. The long road to recovery commences.

I hope this helps someone out there that are in the same situation I was. Question your vets because even though they have the degree, they still lack common sense. I fought with every single vet we had. One of them even told us not to come back anymore. She wanted to put him on Science Diet and I told her it was crap food, and that what does that have to do with him being in pain. She proceeded to tell me all the “good qualities” of it and how all was natural, so I told her since it was so natural and good she should eat it. As if changing the food was going to relieve the pain. So be persistent, and never stop looking for another opinion when it comes to fixing whats medically wrong with your pets. Remember that these little guys cant talk, and we are their voices.

Be of good courage.


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Oh, serene! He is a gorgeous cat! So glad to hear that you have finally found the cause of his pain. He's gonna love on you so much when he is feeling better. (I really want to come to your house to cuddle him. He's simply gorgeous.)
amd, you should! He is a lover boy. Even when he was hurting he was always loving. He cuddles every single girl at the new Vets office. Even after surgery he would call on them then would snuggle. They were taking turns in between doing their work. He is a ham.
My gripe today is that I am an idiot.

I've been wanting to create an interactive website (versus the straight up store that I have now) for about a year. I've been playing with various design sites (wix, weebly, squarespace, and the like) to see what I like for integration, ease of use, can I do what I want to do, etc. I had coffee with a fellow soapmaker last weekend, and we got to talking about the website. She made a recommendation, and it's been in the back of my head to check it out.

Apparently, last night after hubby and I got home from the beer and wine walk I decided it was a great time to play with it. Playing with it = purchasing a subscription, transferring current domain to the disaster I created, and then realizing it was late and I have to work in the morning, so I went to bed in a tipsy little daze satisfied with myself for being an awesome website designer.

This morning... not so pleased myself. What in the name of Hades did I do? Seriously?? I have my second biggest show of the summer tomorrow and I'm messing up my website?? Sherry, you are an idiot. Now, go fix what you broke and stay off the internet when you are drunk. #lifelesson
@Serene I'm glad you found the source of this sweet boy's pain, and good for you to persist in getting the answer.

@amd I feel your pain. I hope you at least had a good time being an awesome website designer. I'm sure you will find a way to right your wrongs.
She proceeded to tell me all the “good qualities” of it and how all was natural, so I told her since it was so natural and good she should eat it.
You are an amazing cat advocate and I'm sure Bo agrees. (he's gorgeous) You must be so relieved, and yes common sense is not so common anymore.
ACK!! Oh no!!! How bad and what did you go with?

Sigh WordPress. Tipsy me didn't even try to play with it first. At least the authorization to transfer hasn't gone through yet so I had time to clean it up. It was slow at work today, so I spent some time evaluating how sales are done on my Square website, and 99% of my website sales require shipping. The one sale that was actually a pickup order I had to refund the cost of shipping back to. All of my local peeps just send messages and then either give cash when I show up, or have me send them an invoice through Square. So that prompted me to make the decision to keep my Etsy store, and takes some work off my plate because maintaining Square and Etsy was a PIA but I'm not ready to cut ties with Etsy yet. There is a sync function between Square and Etsy that they rolled out a month or two ago, but it screwed up the listings on the Square store, so I had to go back and reload pictures and make listings available again every time I added a new listing... It was an hours time suck. So now when the new website goes live there will be a button click to take you to the Etsy store for shopping, and then I'll add in all the other nonsense during the next weeks. WordPress does have a cart option, but you have to shell out a bunch of money for plugins. It wasn't a smart choice, but I'll live with the decision that Tipsy Sherry made. It won't be the first time. [Looks at 10 year old daughter.]
This is more of a bummer than a gripe. I'd had an idea for a soap for awhile, a butter bar. I researched and played around on soapcalc until last month I came up with my recipe. I thought I was being original. [emoji20] I just saw a new, just posted video on YouTube for my idea & it gives the recipe which is very similar to mine. Now I'm bummed.
Awe, SoapAddict! But perhaps 'great minds work alike' is appropriate here.

My gripe: I need to clean, but am not motivated. I just want to take a nap or watch tv. Maybe I'll do both and be refreshed to do housework later. No, probably won't work out that way at all. Who am I trying to kid? I'll probably watch TV, fall asleep and get up just in time to make dinner, putting off housework until tomorrow.
This probably will be more of an angry rant than gripe, but here goes.
First, a little history...DH has been divorced from his first wife for 12 years. He has 2 kids with her. Their son J is 15 and he's had him all along. Their daughter M just turned 13 yesterday, and he's had her since she was 4. When they divorced, she took M with her and he went and got her on weekends. Then she went on vacation one weekend, and didn't come back for her.
DH and I met 8 years ago, and have been married for almost 4 years of that. She has sporadically contacted the children... about once every 2 years, and has seen them 3 times since I've been in the family. She never seems to be in the same place more than a year or so, and had another son who lives with her mother.
So I should know better than expect anything form her, but I guess I expected at least the common decency to call M on her 13th birthday. But no, she was on FB all day, whining about the latest disaster of a no one appreciates her, or is treating her the way she should be, and how she deserves so much better...blah, blah, blah. I guess it bothers me that while M says it's not important, I can see in her face that she's saying it because she doesn't want to hurt our feelings. She's always kind of felt that she did something to make her mother not want her, and it makes me sad that she carries this around with her.
Meanwhile, I want to go find her and beat the ever lovin' snot out of her. I cannot believe she's so selfish that she couldn't take time out of her pity party to call. None of her family called. She has a grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins on that side of the family. Not one called. I invited everyone for dinner and cake, not one ever bothered to respond. So, her birthday was myself, DH, her brother, my mother in law, and her SO. That's it. I think she had a good time. I hope she did.
Thanks for letting me vent... at least this way I don't feel like blowing up!
Give her a hug, tell her that not everyone is worth the time/energy/brain space to worry about.
Tell her that she is FABULOUS just the way she is and she should look at how great SHE is and not what others think/do.
Tell her that you will always be there for her and love her and will never let her go

Oh I am crying now :( I have 2 kids (2 marriages, no child support) and NEITHER of those Dolts are in their lives :( But i tell you they are strong minded kiddos and with all their issues growing up, they know that I will ALWAYS be there and they ARE WORTH EVERYTHING ;)

Gah, I just want to hug all those kids who's 'Other' {non} Parent walked away and hug them for an hour to know that they are loved by someone !!!
Stacyspy, your daughter is so fortunate to have you in her life to care about how others treat her. You are the mother she will always turn to in crisis and good times alike. Despite the sadness and resentment she will probably feel off and on over the years, you and her father will always remain her mainstay. It is sad that her bio-mom is so uncaring, but perhaps a day will come when she regrets it and tries to make up for it. IF she does (and she may not, of course), my advice to you is to be as supportive as you can, at the same time your are fiercely protective. Prepare her as gently, lovingly and forgivingly as you can for the disappointments, while fostering strength of character in herself, so she can face her bio-mom with grace and dignity, should the day come.
Stacy, be sure and let her know that their lack of communication/contact has absolutely nothing to do with her. It's their dysfunction, selfishness, lack of courage and ability to love are the problem here. (kids...heck adults too...often think that if someone doesn't love them, that it means they aren't loveable) . This is not her fault! But she needs to hear the words.
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