I just started using Pure. I was using pomace, which is what I learned to make soap with, and after reading that pomace isn't really that good of quality, I switched. I will continue using pure, but honestly I much prefer the quicker, thicker trace of pomace. Something else I noticed with pure vrs pomace (in same exact recipe with just pomace switched out for pure and reconfigured lye and same batch size and water amount) was that gel took twice as long even with cpop, gel was not as translucent looking and upon cooling when I cut loaf at 24 hours, there was a mottled look to the texture similar to what you get when using shea butter or palm oil. But all was well, once soap cured the mottling went away. I think the over all end result in my soap was better with pure (which I think is equivalent to Grade A). Though like I said, I prefer the initial reaction of pomace. I can spare a few extra minutes though knowing I am using better oil. Hope that helps.