pine tar soap

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Jul 21, 2014
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So I've been researching (went through sinfuls thread on the awesome results of her family member); and I am looking to buy some pine tar and try my first soap with it.
- what's your favorite brand of pt in the states that doesn't smell like burnt rubber, but rather smells Smokey?
- do you personally prefer 10, 15, or 20% and why?
-do you prefer a creamy and gentler recipe when using pt?
-would an eo blend of tea tree, rosemary and lavender be a good start for teen breakouts along side the pt? And on this, do you have a different favorite eo blend for your pt soaps you're willing to share?

And to confirm, Do I soap cool and slow, get to emulsion, add eo or fo, then spoon mix in the pt til well blended?
Thx so much you all!
When I'm making Pine Tar soap I HP it and use a formula that is gentle. You EO blend is good and in this instance, since it is therapeutic you can go to 5% batch weight.
I do it ina way that DeeAnna mentioned for shaving soaps. SInce the PT will trace like a tornado once it hits the batter, I add mine to my liquid oils and mix the two really well. It helps dilute the pine tar. I add my lye water to my hard oils and SB past emulsion and generally to a very light trace, then I add the PT/liquid oils mix and stir by hand to get it blended. IT still moves but I've always gotten it incorporated fully and been able to pour into the mold and get a smooth top. I also go for a slightly harder recipe than my usual (I add a small percentage of cocoa butter) because the PT makes for a softer bar.

I use Bickmore. I don't think it smells like burned rubber, but it's more than just smoky.
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I've only made one batch of pine tar soap but used the Bickmore brand same as newbie. If I remember correctly, I didn't add any scent because I figured it would take alot to overpower the PT. The tea tree, rosemary, lavender EO combo you mentioned might do the trick so I would certainly try it. Pretty sure I used 25% PT in my batch and didn't even need to break out the stick blender because it does trace quickly!
Thank you for the input:) I can credit being inspired by your soaps to try eo's...Making my second eo soap ever tonight because of you:) Thx Again!

Who's your inspiration?
I've only used Su-Per Pine Tar from my local feed store. It doesn't initially start off very dark in the soap when used at 10%. After cure, it's gone to about the same color as the specks. Those specks are from calendula tea I made as a water substitution. I love these bars... they have worked wonders on my face and my oldest daughter swears by them.

Edited to say the scent is more smokey than rubbery. It fades significantly and is almost pleasant now.

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So I've been researching (went through sinfuls thread on the awesome results of her family member); and I am looking to buy some pine tar and try my first soap with it.
- what's your favorite brand of pt in the states that doesn't smell like burnt rubber, but rather smells Smokey?
- do you personally prefer 10, 15, or 20% and why?
-do you prefer a creamy and gentler recipe when using pt?
-would an eo blend of tea tree, rosemary and lavender be a good start for teen breakouts along side the pt? And on this, do you have a different favorite eo blend for your pt soaps you're willing to share?

And to confirm, Do I soap cool and slow, get to emulsion, add eo or fo, then spoon mix in the pt til well blended?
Thx so much you all!

I added 5% tea tree oil to some soap I made and the smell was *very* intense. PT soap smells pretty strongly, I shudder to think about the smell if the two were combined.

I used 10% SA in mine which resulted in a reasonably hard bar that lathered nicely.

I added 5% tea tree oil to some soap I made and the smell was *very* intense. PT soap smells pretty strongly, I shudder to think about the smell if the two were combined.

I used 10% SA in mine which resulted in a reasonably hard bar that lathered nicely.


Actually you should try it, tea tree with lemongrass in pine tar soap actually mellows the pine tar down significantly. I use 3 parts lemongrass to one part tea tree with a 10% pine tar soap.
Had "Bad" stuck in my head for, like 2 hrs now.

Thanks man.


Bwah ha!
I was afraid the Captain EO reference may have been too much of a stretch.
I keep running into covers of Smooth Criminal and getting that in my head. My favorite so far is an instrumental by a cello group that pops up on my classical Pandora station.