An IRFA guideline is only about human safety. It doesn't tell you anything about anything else. So you gotta use some common sense and look at the whole picture. For example, some FOs have an IRFA limit of 100% for Cat 9 (soap). Does it make sense to "make soap" with 100% FO?

So there's a practical limit for how much scent you can stuff into a soap and not run into problems of the fragrance weeping out or the soap not functioning properly as soap or other problems.
My personal rule of thumb for soap is to use no more than 8% FO based on weight of oils, if the IRFA guideline allows that much. If I go much above 8%, the fragrance gradually weeps out of the soap with unattractive results. Others are comfortable with higher top end percentages (again assuming the IRFA guideline allows), so don't take my personal rule of thumb as gospel truth. As always, YMMV.
And as I said earlier, an IRFA guideline is the % in the whole finished product, not based only on the % of oils. If you use the IRFA guideline but based it only on % of oils, you'll be using a cautious amount of scent. It's far better to be cautious than to overdo.