Paradise salt Bars made with yogurt cups as molds

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These are the salt bars that I made using the yogurt cup as a mold . I really like the size of them , next time I will pour at thinner trace , I got a few divots in the bars , didn't pack the soap in tight enough .Scented with Paradise a very nice tropical scent. the yogurt is yoplait source.


Thanks for looking:D


ETA yogurt brand
Awesome color! I love the idea of yogurt cups! Now I just need to find someone who like yogurt ;) Great Job!!
agriffin said:
Awesome color! I love the idea of yogurt cups! Now I just need to find someone who like yogurt ;) Great Job!!

I do , you send me the yogurt , I will send you back the containers :wink:

Every time I see a picture of your soaps there's something beautiful or cute & unique about them. And I'm not just saying that because I'm jealous of your swirls (I am, but that's beside the point).

These are adorable!
oooooooooooooooooo, I throw my yogurt container away every night, that is how I get my calcium ;) I will be saving and using them from now on. Thanks for the tip and the soaps are so pretty.
Thanks so much everyone :D

It is a hosta artisan the previous owner must have loved them as I do , there are about 8 or more different varieties he planted.

I soaped with a girl who had a closet full of yogurt cups. She would use them for overflow every time when she was making soap! Great idea Kitn! What did you use to get your blues? I'be been using soap dyes and have had NO luck except with one purple. I just ordered some oxides so hopefully those will do better. Do I mix the oxides in water or glycerin first....or nothing? Just add to the soap? Thanks!!
agriffin said:
I soaped with a girl who had a closet full of yogurt cups. She would use them for overflow every time when she was making soap! Great idea Kitn! What did you use to get your blues? I'be been using soap dyes and have had NO luck except with one purple. I just ordered some oxides so hopefully those will do better. Do I mix the oxides in water or glycerin first....or nothing? Just add to the soap? Thanks!!

I'm having some trouble getting my labcolor blues not to go greenish on me too because of the soap base. More TD, I guess...
Awesome!! Will have to save some to use yogurt cups for surplus soap. Such great ideas. Love the look of this one. Am partial to blues.
Wow, those soaps sure are pretty!!! Too bad I hate yogurt. Wonder if there's some other product with a similar container but some other food that wood work......hmmmm
agriffin said:
I soaped with a girl who had a closet full of yogurt cups. She would use them for overflow every time when she was making soap! Great idea Kitn! What did you use to get your blues? I'be been using soap dyes and have had NO luck except with one purple. I just ordered some oxides so hopefully those will do better. Do I mix the oxides in water or glycerin first....or nothing? Just add to the soap? Thanks!!

I usually mix them in some of the oil from my soap pot , I just put them in a small paper cup . ( way to messy to clean up in a reg cup) If I am doing a swirl I mix the colors in a measuring cup and then add some of the lightly traced soap , so I can SB it and make sure the color is mixed in well.I do this after I have the rest of the batch to the trace I want it to be .For the darker blue I used FD&C blue ( which looked way to gray so I added some blue ultramine . For the lighter one I used lab colors bluemix. I like using oxides and ultramarines , I seem to get better or more consistent results with them.


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