Palm or Tallow

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That does sound nice, One more on my TO DO list.
I'm alittle sad, because I ran out of OO and can't get anymore for 2 weeks. :(
honor435 said:
i thought tallow was lard? arent they both made from animal fat?
Ok, i had to google, lard is from pigs, tallow from cows, i wonder if you buy "lard" in stores if you really know what youre getting?

Hey honor- tallow and lard are different. Tallow is from fat rendered from beef and lard is fat rendered from a pig. I think some people call lard pig tallow though. To me both of these seem almost the same but I think the lard is a little harder.

I like lard and tallow soaps both make great soap.

I think you can tell the difference in the store, some stores sell animal shortening which is not pure tallow or lard (not sure which one), I just came across this in another forum. That can be a combo of animal fats as far as I know- lard is just lard.
gekko62 said:
ironbrewer said:
Another thing to consider is that palm oil is hard on the environment. I've heard that production is very hard on the environment. Look at the environmental section of this wiki .

There will always be plenty of beef fat around.

And on the flipside,have a look at the effects cattle farming has...... ... tal_impact ... index.html

Thats true, and if they were raising and slaughtering beef only for my tallow then I would think twice about using it. I don't think the general public is going to go vegetarian any time soon, so I will continue to use it.
ironbrewer said:
gekko62 said:
ironbrewer said:
Another thing to consider is that palm oil is hard on the environment. I've heard that production is very hard on the environment. Look at the environmental section of this wiki .

There will always be plenty of beef fat around.

And on the flipside,have a look at the effects cattle farming has...... ... tal_impact ... index.html

Thats true, and if they were raising and slaughtering beef only for my tallow then I would think twice about using it. I don't think the general public is going to go vegetarian any time soon, so I will continue to use it.

Sure, but Europeans, like me, can't use animal fat in soap destined for sale at all.
As I've said many times before, things are not just black and white. And that's the case with palm oil for sure!
I have used rendered pig fat from organically raised pigs which I rendered myself as a binding agent for a canola biodiesel glycerine based soap and the result is very nice; good lather, stiff bar. Essential oils supply the scent.
I use both i render my own beef tallow my son is a butcher and gets me beef fat for next to free ,even grinds it for me.[ i knew there was a reson i had him] and i use palm for my vegan daughter and her friends[not sure about her may have been switched at birth] they both make very nice soap and have tested them people can't tell which is which so there is no animal if its just the cost go with tallow.imho
Edree :D
I use palm,happy doing that but Id like to try soaping lard & tallow,just to know what its like. But we cant get deodorised lard over here,& even tho Ive made soap that looks like ham, not keen on a piggly smelling one :p
With tallow,if I could source it,I'd try it. Dont think I could render it myself. Any Aussies do tallow soaps?
When using rendered pig fat I have noticed that there really isn't much in the way of smell, unlike that of beef tallow, but what little there is is easily masked using a good essential oil like cedar or rosewood, ginger or cinnamon.

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