Olive Oil pomace, Virgin Coconut Oil, Sal butter combination good for soap?

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New Member
Sep 27, 2024
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Hi everyone! I’m a newbie here and a newbie in soap making too.

I’ve only done 1 batch of soap yet, so I’m very inexperienced in formulating ingredients.

So here’s my question. A supplier online has got these three combination of oils and butters cheapest: OO Pomace, VCO, and Sal or Shorea Butter, I live in the Philippines so the weather here is tropical, honestly just hot and humid all the time. I figured this would do me good? Since these three are kinda known to make harder soap.
But what would be the ideal percentage of each tho? Thanks tons.

I’ll attach the recipe I thought would work, but would appreciate any opinions on this. Thanks!!


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Welcome to the forum!

Looks fine to me overall. What's the fragrance you are going to use, and is it EO or FO? Usually, 1% of oil weight is not enough to give the soap good scent, but that really depends on the scent itself and, of course ‐ you need to follow the recommended usage rates as well.

I assume that's CP?

7% SF may or may not be to your liking, this is more of a personal preference. In most recipes people usually go for something between 3 and 8 %, it's a matter of what you are going for. Usually, lower % gives you better lather and a little harder soap, while higher SF can make it feel milder on the skin.

You can try with those numbers and see how it is, then you can focus on what can be improved and tweak some more for the next batch
Be prepared for a very fast-moving batter, as each of your selected oils is fast to trace. Combining the three of them with a high lye concentration means you may not even need to use a stickblender, depending on how hot your oils and lye may be. Although I normally soap at 40% lye concentration myself, maybe consider using 33% lye concentration for a little more working time with this combination. :)