First attempt with the Ciaglia Method

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Jun 19, 2024
Reaction score
San Diego
I tried the Ciaglia Method for the first time a couple days ago... Fairly pleased with the results.
  • I used one white bar of soap as the donor bar, per every ten bars of colored soap (lard & lye only, no scent)
  • I peeled the lard bars with a potato peeler and then stick blended in the oil until they reached the desired speckle size
  • Cold processed, typical recipe, no surprises
  • Once you wet them (or steam them), that ash goes away, and leaves only the speckles
I expected saponification to happen much more quickly because of all the surface area with the cured soap speckles, but no acceleration happened. YMMV...

Next experiment will be with dark speckles on a light colored bar of soap.



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@SoapyBenjamin could you please tell more about this method? I think I am misunderstanding your recipe above as a not super fluent English speaker 😔😅
I'm not Benjamin, but I think I can explain.

This is similar to confetti soap ‐ parts of finished soap are used in new soap. The difference here is the old soap is not only peeled/shredded, but also stick blended into the oils of the new soap. And from what I understand, he used 1 white old bar per batch of 10 new colored bars ‐ you can see the white parts inside.

Here's a short video showing the method - with more colors and bigger parts of the old soap