olive oil face cream

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Jan 9, 2008
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Hello Im looking to make a face lotion. Iv heard all sorts of things including olive oil. Does anyone make their own and want to share some tips? :D
depends on the skin and each individual person. Sometimes what works for one person doesn't work for another on the face.

I made one cream that I liked as a body cream, but it made my face break out. Yet my hubby was able to use it on his face just fine without problems. And so i formulated another that I can use on my face just fine without problems.

so a lot is trial and error
MrsMakeSoap said:
Hello Im looking to make a face lotion. Iv heard all sorts of things including olive oil. Does anyone make their own and want to share some tips? :D
Yeah, that's the best way to get it done. I know how you feel though. With 3 kids (age 7 and under)...2 dogs, 2 cats and a hubby...it's hard to motivate myself to do much these days. Here is a link to a list of oils that do and do not clog pores. http://bellecitysoapworks.com/noncomedogenic_oils.htmlHope that helps!

I always test each new batch on myself, in a small area on the area it was designed for. Keep in mind irritations or allergies don't always appear immediately, some take hours or even days to become visible. I state that under each product I sell, of anything for skin. :D