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But be careful when you build the fatty acid profile of your recipe and let it help you determine the final % of each oil in the 3 (or 4) categories mentioned above. For example, a soap with 40% regular sunflower oil will not behave the same as one with 40% olive oil. Check the link provided, research some more, and with enough practice you'll soon learn how to properly substitute oils to get similar qualities. And you'll get to know what everything (or at least the most important parts) in the calculators mean. Good luck!
Thank you so much for the warm welcome, i tried to reduce the coconut oil but the soap bar result in soapcalc is not satisfying for me... Can i ignore the result from soapcalc, and made my own soap ?? i mean not ignore it totally, just not to think about it too much

Thankyou for the link, will read it after this

And fyi just now im making the recipe above (very small batch) im just curious about the result... I will update it after cutting them wish me luck!
Yes you can definitely not think too much about the caracteristics soapcalc gives of your recipe. They are very loose indicators.
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Yes you can definitely not think too much about the caracteristics soapcalc gives of your recipe. They are very loose indicators.
... and sometimes downright ridiculous. Example: a more appropriate cleansing range would be 0-25, instead of 12-25. That way, newbies (who don't understand that "cleansing" refers to "how much oil it strips off your skin") would be trying to reach a midpoint of 12 instead of 17. Soaps with a cleansing number of 17 are not what most of us handcrafted soapmakers are seeking.

Still waiting for some brave soul to recognize and change things like this that no longer serve much purpose and are not based on anything scientific, just tradition. I actually requested that Soapmaking Friend change the suggested cleansing range in their soap calculator, but they declined. Oh well, at least they don't default to 38% water-as-percent-of-oils setting, so there is some progress being made.