Old Castor oil

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
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I’ve been using castor oil from this big old jug I got at soapers choice or bulk apothecary, can’t remember… for like 4 years or more!!! No rancidity or dos!! Just thought that was amazing 😃
Still get the good bubbles and finished soap seems fine- anyone else this lucky with shelf life stability?
I still have about 14kg of the 28kg of Shea butter I relocated with June of 2019! It traces very fast but no DOS or anything funky. I bought it freshly made though.

It is now strictly for soaping now. I wouldn’t trust it in lotion or body butter because of how old it is.
I still have about 14kg of the 28kg of Shea butter I relocated with June of 2019! It traces very fast but no DOS or anything funky. I bought it freshly made though.

It is now strictly for soaping now. I wouldn’t trust it in lotion or body butter because of how old it is.
Awesome! It’s nice to know that some things keep- even years!!
I've heard, twice, that "rancid" is just the smell. Any characteristics other than smell should be the same. Even cooking oils retain the same nutritional benefits.

I've asked for confirmation/denial on a number of sites. Never even get a discussion about it.