Ok I made my first batch and now I have questions!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Ok so I made my first batch of soap and now I have more questions..lol

I just made a simple oatmeal unscented soap.

So I mixed all the oils together. How do you guys melt the coconut etc? I just nuked them and mixed. Was that a bad idea? I really don't want to mess with the stove if I don't have to.

I added shea butter but I added it with the oils at the beginning. I read that some people say that's ok or that some people say you should add it at trace. Is this another one of those issues that can be debated?

I have never used a SB in my life and when I turned it on, it's like it was pulling my hand downward. Is that normal? I have one that has holes around the bottom. I'm keeping it straight and everything.

I made a 2pound batch and I wasn't sure how much oatmeal to add. I added 1oz. How much do people usually add?

I have a question about cleanup. I'm so paranoid now that I did this one batch. I rinsed everything with vinegar and then washed with soap. Do you also wash your gloves that way? Do you spray water/vinegar on the counter tops as well? At what point do you not have to worry too much about fumes? I mixed the water/lye outside but then brought it in. I'm not so worried about us or the dogs smelling the fumes but I am worried about the birds. They are in the other room and I had the windows open etc.

I really appreciate all your tips. I have learned so much even before starting.

I peeked at it and I don't see it gelling yet but it's getting harder. I'll check it in another hour or 2. It's been under blankets for 2 hours.
I'm certainly no expert, but I'll give it a shot here :)

I usually just put the oils in the microwave for a bit just to get them mostly melted, then SB them to incorporate the ones that weren't quite liquid.

I think if you're doing CP you may as well add all your oils and butters at the same time. Adding at trace does nothing really. It's just one added step.

Yep, the SB will kinda suck you down to the bottom of the pot/bowl. It's normal :)

I keep a 5 gallon bucket filled with hot water and a cup of vinegar added. As I finish with a bowl, cup, whatever I drop it into the bucket of water. Once I'm all done, I dump the water out of the big bucket and just wash everything off at the sink. Wipe down the work area with a damp rag and I'm done.

Rosey said:
Ok so I made my first batch of soap and now I have more questions..lol

I just made a simple oatmeal unscented soap.

So I mixed all the oils together. How do you guys melt the coconut etc? I just nuked them and mixed. Was that a bad idea? I really don't want to mess with the stove if I don't have to.

I added shea butter but I added it with the oils at the beginning. I read that some people say that's ok or that some people say you should add it at trace. Is this another one of those issues that can be debated?

I have never used a SB in my life and when I turned it on, it's like it was pulling my hand downward. Is that normal? I have one that has holes around the bottom. I'm keeping it straight and everything.

I made a 2pound batch and I wasn't sure how much oatmeal to add. I added 1oz. How much do people usually add?

I have a question about cleanup. I'm so paranoid now that I did this one batch. I rinsed everything with vinegar and then washed with soap. Do you also wash your gloves that way? Do you spray water/vinegar on the counter tops as well? At what point do you not have to worry too much about fumes? I mixed the water/lye outside but then brought it in. I'm not so worried about us or the dogs smelling the fumes but I am worried about the birds. They are in the other room and I had the windows open etc.

I really appreciate all your tips. I have learned so much even before starting.

I peeked at it and I don't see it gelling yet but it's getting harder. I'll check it in another hour or 2. It's been under blankets for 2 hours.
Well, I'll try to answer your questions but I'm not one of the experts here. I just realized that I've been making soap for 11 years, but still feel like I learn all the time.

I do heat my oils very slowly on the stove. I don't add Shea at trace, I just add mine with the rest. I don't make such a big deal of the clean up. I just use hot water and dishsoap. I worry more about fumes when I'm mixing the lye and do that outside typically. I LOVE my stick blender. The first year or so I made soap I didn't have one and I remember one batch taking over an hour of hand stirring to trace! Remember, it is a motorized instrument, so it will have some torque. That's probably normal. As far as an amount of oatmeal, I would use about 1/8 cup for a 2 lb. batch, not sure how many ounces that is. Finally, I try not to peek at it for at least 5-6 hours even though there is a lot of temptation. Actually, when I'm really good I wait 24 hours and don't peek at all!

Hope that helps, a little anyway. Have fun!

Rosey said:
Ok so I made my first batch of soap and now I have more questions..lol

I just made a simple oatmeal unscented soap.

So I mixed all the oils together. How do you guys melt the coconut etc? I just nuked them and mixed. Was that a bad idea? I really don't want to mess with the stove if I don't have to.

I added shea butter but I added it with the oils at the beginning. I read that some people say that's ok or that some people say you should add it at trace. Is this another one of those issues that can be debated?

I have never used a SB in my life and when I turned it on, it's like it was pulling my hand downward. Is that normal? I have one that has holes around the bottom. I'm keeping it straight and everything.

I made a 2pound batch and I wasn't sure how much oatmeal to add. I added 1oz. How much do people usually add?

I have a question about cleanup. I'm so paranoid now that I did this one batch. I rinsed everything with vinegar and then washed with soap. Do you also wash your gloves that way? Do you spray water/vinegar on the counter tops as well? At what point do you not have to worry too much about fumes? I mixed the water/lye outside but then brought it in. I'm not so worried about us or the dogs smelling the fumes but I am worried about the birds. They are in the other room and I had the windows open etc.

I really appreciate all your tips. I have learned so much even before starting.

I peeked at it and I don't see it gelling yet but it's getting harder. I'll check it in another hour or 2. It's been under blankets for 2 hours.

Haha you sound like me!!! I think i checked my mold every hour on the hour for the first 18 lol...

So I mixed all the oils together. How do you guys melt the coconut etc? I just nuked them and mixed. Was that a bad idea? I really don't want to mess with the stove if I don't have to.

Nope not a bad idea at all, many people use the mirowave for it just be careful cause its easy to burn it in there!! :)

I use my stovetop on low and just mix the hard oils in, melt them and then pour the liquid oils in (so the temp kind of evens out with the addition of the cooler oils... read: takes less time to cool down to about 90-110F (right around where we want to be for CP soaping if not at Room temp)

you can most definitely ge by with using your micro (for now ;) until you try to start making huge batches!)

I added shea butter but I added it with the oils at the beginning. I read that some people say that's ok or that some people say you should add it at trace. Is this another one of those issues that can be debated?
Thats fine... I think with butters its better to add them at the beginning... so you are sure they melt and make it all the way through the soap (homogeneous=the same consistency throughout)... If you are trying to superfat with a liquid oil I would say to add at trace, but there has been some debate over whether or not it actually does anything (because the lye will just saponify whatever is easiest ... take the path of least resistance...) so just because you added it last doesnt neccessarily mean it will be last to sap or not sap at all... so if you add oils at trace or if you add oils at the beginning i dont think it would make too much of a monumental difference ... i figure its less to remember to throw in at trace and you dont have to deal with the...OHHH SHHHHHHH.... i forgot to add X ingredient!! (as your soap sits in the mold all poured and ready lol...).. been there before.

The saponification process takes place in CP soaping over the span of 18-30 hrs...

I have never used a SB in my life and when I turned it on, it's like it was pulling my hand downward. Is that normal? I have one that has holes around the bottom. I'm keeping it straight and everything.

yup.... think of it like you are holding a miniature outboard engine (for a boat) in your hands... the mixer is the propeller and its trying to propel you into your soap bowl ;)

been there before too.... wait til you try to use the larger models (i havent for soaping but when i worked in a restaurant i had to use a 5Horse Power version of a SB, it was 4 ft long... weighed like 40 lbs and i swear if it was cordless you could use it as a trolling motor for your boat lol... i used to have to heavily brace myself so as not to get tossed lol

I made a 2pound batch and I wasn't sure how much oatmeal to add. I added 1oz. How much do people usually add?

I would say the amount you added is fine.. people usually add it at 1-2Tbsp per pound of oils (to my knowledge)

I have a question about cleanup. I'm so paranoid now that I did this one batch. I rinsed everything with vinegar and then washed with soap. Do you also wash your gloves that way? Do you spray water/vinegar on the counter tops as well? At what point do you not have to worry too much about fumes?

Im the same way... I usually rinse everything with vinegar just in case, same with the gloves (just a quick rinse to neutralize the vinegar)... I spray on the countertops, sink... anywhere i feel like i could have dropped a lye crystal that needs to be neutralized... (because i have got one of these in my belly-button at one point... dont ask how...but make sure you where shoes or at least socks and a shirt and pants when you soap (learned from experience)

For the fumes, I would say after about 5-7 minutes there should be no problem... the main part of the fumes vaporize at the onset of the reaction, after the reaction has had some time to play itself out you shouldnt have to worry about (though obviously im not saying put your face in your lye bowl...)


I wore a respirator at first, but now i usually just leave windows and fans open/on

hope all this helps! :)

goooood luck with your soap and get us some pics!! we want to see your creations!!
Thank you guys!

I had read that about the superfat with a specific oil thing. It's interesting that's for sure.

I have a water/vinegar spray bottle for cleanup on the bird cages so I may use that for the counter tops just to make myself feel better.

And duh on the 5 gallon bucket. I didn't think of that. I put everything in the sink and it was a pain. I have spare buckets so I'll do that!

Yes, it was very tempting to peek. I uncovered it when it was at full gel (mistake?)

I didn't get up early enough to make a batch this morning but I'm gonna try to make another one this afternoon/evening which will actually be scented.

I was so paranoid that even after I washed everything with soap, I put it in the dishwasher. Course then I had itches all over (the power of suggestion and dry winter skin..lol).

The lye was at 100 and the oils at 110. I hope that was ok. I'm not sure how temperature affects the whole process.

OH: what happens if the lye gets too cold? Say if you have an issue and check your lye and it went down to 90? or lower? What do you do?
OH: what happens if the lye gets too cold? Say if you have an issue and check your lye and it went down to 90? or lower? What do you do?

Nothing :) It's fine to use cold.

The few batches I did CP, I did them at room temp. No thermometer at all, whatever temp the oils were at was what I used them at, and the lye solution I keep premixed so it's RT as well.
I try to have oils and lye at the same temperature (about 100) and if the lye gets too cold (which it always seems to do) I put the container in a warm "bath" of water to heat it up.

By the way, welcome to soaping now that you're official. The best part for me is when I take it out of the mold and cut it. I love to see how it looks!

woohooo! I'm just waiting to cut it but I need to wait at least 4 more hours but I'll be out so it will more like 8 or 9 before I can cut it.

It looks good I think. I'm going to go make a second batch since everyone is gone! :)
So I mixed all the oils together. How do you guys melt the coconut etc? I just nuked them and mixed. Was that a bad idea? I really don't want to mess with the stove if I don't have to.

Many people use their microwaves with good results, but I'm one of those that likes to use their stove because I feel it gives me more even control over the temps.

I added shea butter but I added it with the oils at the beginning. I read that some people say that's ok or that some people say you should add it at trace. Is this another one of those issues that can be debated?

Yep, there's been lots of debate over this one! :lol: On this one, I follow the advice I recieved from a soaper on another forum who is a chemist with access to a lab, and who has done many experiments on her CP soap in the lab. According to her results, at trace, only a mere 10%- 15% of the oils have actually been saponified, which leaves a whopping 85% to 90% of oils that have yet to be gobbled up by the lye. Lye is an unfeeling, equal opportunity gobbler, and since the oil/fat that one adds at trace is just as likely to get gobbled as the ones that are already in the pot, it's just easier and makes more sense to calculate your superfat amount up front and add all your oils/fats together at the beginning.

I have never used a SB in my life and when I turned it on, it's like it was pulling my hand downward. Is that normal? I have one that has holes around the bottom. I'm keeping it straight and everything.

Perfectly normal. I hold onto mine with 2 hands when soaping with it for better control.

I made a 2pound batch and I wasn't sure how much oatmeal to add. I added 1oz. How much do people usually add?

This may differ among individual soapers, but I use 1 tbsp. per pound of oils.

I have a question about cleanup. I'm so paranoid now that I did this one batch. I rinsed everything with vinegar and then washed with soap. Do you also wash your gloves that way? Do you spray water/vinegar on the counter tops as well?

I just wash my soaping pots and utensils and gloves with hot dish soap and water. Some soapers even leave all their equipment out unwashed and then clean them up the next day after the raw batter has saponified into soap. I've done that a couple of times and it works great, but I'm just one of those that likes to get everything cleaned up right now! :lol: I do, however spray the counter in my soaping area with vinegar and then wash the area down with a soapy dishcloth. Then I rinse with a clean wet rag and dry with a dishcloth.

At what point do you not have to worry too much about fumes? I mixed the water/lye outside but then brought it in. I'm not so worried about us or the dogs smelling the fumes but I am worried about the birds. They are in the other room and I had the windows open etc.

This part of soaping is where I'm the most careful. Anal, even. I briefly breathed in lye fumes once before by accident and it's not fun. I don't want to take any chances of possibly ruining my lungs so I mix in a well ventilated area with both my mouth and nose completely covered. To cover, I use an old but clean, very tightly woven cotton diaper left over from my son's baby days. I fold it over on itself in thirds twice, leaving me with 9 layers of cloth standing between me and the fumes. I take a deep breath, and then hold the folded cloth with one hand over my mouth and nose while mixing with my other hand. After mixing and still with my mouth and nose completely covered (it's okay to breathe through the cloth if you need to, by the way), I cover my lye mixing container with an already prepared piece of plastic wrap at hand and leave the room. Once I'm out of the mixing area, I take the cloth off and breathe freely. I've found that after about 10 minutes it's okay to go back in that room unprotected.

The lye was at 100 and the oils at 110. I hope that was ok. I'm not sure how temperature affects the whole process.

OH: what happens if the lye gets too cold? Say if you have an issue and check your lye and it went down to 90? or lower? What do you do?

To me, this all depends on your recipe. For the most part, getting your lye and oils temps even with each other is not an absolute necessity or anything to get worried about at all. There are times though, when it is more of a factor-- if, for example, you trying to reduce those pesky stearic spots that appear in your finished bars when using certain high stearic containing fats. I have a couple of recipes that use a high amount of Palm Kernel Oil, and I've found through trial and error that if I soap too much below 120 degressF with those, the stearic acid in the PKO resolidifies on me and I end up with lots of unsightly white stearic spots in my finished bars. They are not dangerous, mind you, and the bars are not unusable by any means- they're just unsightly to look at is all. It happens to me with cocoa butter, mango butter and kokum butter, too. All of those get soaped at 120 degrees F. If my lye cools down too much before I soap with these particular recipes, I stick my lye container in a hot bowl of water in a warm (not hot) oven until the temp comes back up to my satisfaction.

IrishLass :)

been there before too.... wait til you try to use the larger models (i havent for soaping but when i worked in a restaurant i had to use a 5Horse Power version of a SB, it was 4 ft long... weighed like 40 lbs and i swear if it was cordless you could use it as a trolling motor for your boat lol... i used to have to heavily brace myself so as not to get tossed lol

That conjures up an amazing vision.
4ft long? How many speeds ?
Mary :idea: :lol:
i know, i think that thing would drag me away!

You guys have really helped me out!

Also, do you guys all check the pH of your bars? If so, where do you get the strips? And where is the pH sposed to be anyways?
Rosey said:
i know, i think that thing would drag me away!

You guys have really helped me out!

Also, do you guys all check the pH of your bars? If so, where do you get the strips? And where is the pH sposed to be anyways?

I don't. As long as it doesn't have any lye zap by doing the tongue test it's good to go. CP soaps level out to something like 10 or 10.5 when fully cured. You won't ever get a 7.5 or even 8.5 according to a chemist on another soaping board I am a member of (this is with a good pH meter, not pH strips). She says that it is the nature of CP soap to be alkaline. The pH strips are actually not very accurate. If you really want to check the pH, the most accurate way to go is a pH meter that can be recalibrated.

HTH! :)
Re: wow

starduster said:
been there before too.... wait til you try to use the larger models (i havent for soaping but when i worked in a restaurant i had to use a 5Horse Power version of a SB, it was 4 ft long... weighed like 40 lbs and i swear if it was cordless you could use it as a trolling motor for your boat lol... i used to have to heavily brace myself so as not to get tossed lol

That conjures up an amazing vision.
4ft long? How many speeds ?
Mary :idea: :lol:

haha it was 2 speeds if i remember correctly... low... and suck me to the center of the Earth (otherwise known as high) .I usually used the latter as it made for an enjoyable time muahahahahahha
= either lick finger, rub soap, touch tongue... zap or no zap... OR... you can do it like me and take the finger out of the equation....

thats right i lick my soaps people ;) 8)
Hi Rosey! Tongue zap test is where you wet your finger, rub it on the soap a little then touch your soapy finger to your tongue....ZAP!!! That is, if there is lye left in the soap still of course. Like touching your tongue to a battery. If you are not sure it is zappy then it probably isn't.....the zap is quite a definite experience :lol:

I have only just come across this thread....congratulations on making your first batch! Yay!!! It is so exciting....have you made your 2nd batch yet?

Tanya :)

P.S: Remember....we love pics!

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