For me, of rather limited experience, it's a universal. Solution traces, gets rather thick, then suddenly goes slack and "ricey" for a bit, then smooths out and eventually goes to the "vaseline" stage if I have enough water.
Still zappy at the "applesauce" stage, zap is gone by the vaseline stage, so I assume it's incomplete saponification.
Less pronounced with shaving soaps high in stearic acid so I would assume different recipes will show the effect differently. Not a problem as far as I'm concerned.
I hope you're still active here...
I did a batch of HP shaving soap but instead of zapping in the microwave to maintain temp, I used an induction cooktop.
Melted the soy wax/butters, added liquid oils then went through ricing, applesauce then separation.
It was in separation phase for ages and didn't emulsify until I turned the heat off and blended with hand blender, then it was fine and I proceeded to cool down and pour.
(One thing I noticed is the bit of cooled down batter didn't dry my hands like the microwave method does so I assume most of the lye had reacted, which makes sense)
I have a few Qs please:
1- How long does the separation phase take to go into Vaseline phase?
2a- Is there any issue if I turn off the heat upon separation, then blend until it's back to a smooth emulsion and pour?
2b- I presume doing it this way may need a few extra days of cure time?
3- when adding super fat after the cook, is it simply a matter of adding the SF in melted form and just stir it into the batter?
Does it matter what the batter temp is?
Thank you!