@ScentimentallyYours @akseattle @Nona'sFarm @Mobjack Bay Thank you everyone. The feedback has been very helpful. I have done some more research and studying on fixed oils vs volatile oils. It makes much more sense. I get that Essential oils/ Fragrance Oils evaporate at certain temperatures while fixed oils don’t. I also understand that volatile oils have already been infused which give them their scents. I guess I was trying to figure out if I added oil soluble botanicals like yellow dock, Himalayan rhubarb, indigo, annatto seed, etc to natural fragrance oils or essential oil would that change the color of the oil that could then be used in a MP base as a colorant+ fragrance vs adding a fixed oil like castor oil, jojoba oil which will more likely ruin the base.
As for CP soap making, unfortunately I can’t do it but I wish I could as it gives you more freedom to tailor the ingredients in soap. However I have Kidney Failure and Pots and bunch of other health conditions where I don’t think handling lye would be good for me.
I guess I’m just going to have to test it out and see what happens.