officially addicted :D

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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2012
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So last night at around 11:30 I got the urge to make soap :D I was very very low on oils, even olive oil. So I did a "scraps you find around the house" recipe.

My batch was whooping 1.334lbs lol

I am still laughing at myself as it was kinda ridiculous - trying to find oils I could use and then putting them through soapcalc to see if it would even work.

Here's what I ended up doing:

256g Olive oil (heat infused with cloves and cinnamon)
200g Shea butter
69g babassu oil
40g Emu oil
40g castor oil

78g Lye
200g coconut milk
1.5tbs honey mixed with 30g warm water
1.5tbs oats

I am pretty sure I scorched the milk as it reached 115F when mixed with lye even though I had it frozen. I cooled of to 80F before mixing with oils. Added honey and oats at light trace. Put it in my commercial freezer after pouring. Just took it out, frozen solid. Hoping it wont gel :)

I used a whipping cream container as my mold but should have supported the sides with cardboard or something as it bulged a bit.

It was 2:30am when I finally went to bed :D
I cannot wait to try this one out, it already smells yummy. I also hope it stays this color.

Oh, good for you for being fearless!! Please post the results after you cut the soap.
LOL me too! Once I was up until 3am, but I wasn't as adventurous as you in the recipe the time I was all "Must..have...moar CASTILE D:< "
This morning I was impatiently tapping my foot waiting for my bf to go out for the day so I could mix my lye and water to make more soap. I didn't want him in here breathing the fumes, even though I open windows for ventilation. I was like seriously don't you have somewhere to go today???????
I'd like to follow Cosmo in welcoming you to the best addiction ever!!!! And thanks for the OO infusion idea! So far I've only used coffee grounds to make my own coffee oil. Cinnamon & clove infused oil sounds wonderfully yummy!
thank you all for kind words and welcomes :D

I am also glad that I am not the only crazy person that soaps in the middle of the night. It's the only time I can get some time for myself - I have 3 children ages 5,2,8months so it's a little rough at times lol

I removed the soap from fridge and attempted to cut it. It crumbles. Did I leave it in fridge too long. When I smush it with my hands I can get it soft enough to make into a ball though. So not sure what my approach should be. It smells really nice and feels good on my hands. PH is at 10right now.

I will post some pictures in the gallery later on tonight or early morning tomorrow.

2lilboots said:
This morning I was impatiently tapping my foot waiting for my bf to go out for the day so I could mix my lye and water to make more soap. I didn't want him in here breathing the fumes, even though I open windows for ventilation. I was like seriously don't you have somewhere to go today???????

I feel like that at night, sending the family to bed so I can do stuff I can't when they are around :mrgreen:
I have never put my soap in the fridge. I usually just leave it out on the counter uncovered. Perhaps it just needed to stay in the mold a bit longer and set up a bit longer before you cut it. If I check my soap and it still seems a bit soft I just let them sit another day before I unmold and cut them. I want to make a castile soap but I don't want to tie up my mold for several days. I was watching a you tube video and a lady used a rectangle plastic storage tub as her mold for her castile soap. I may do that. Maybe it would harden faster....I don't know, but I will find out.
2lilboots said:
I have never put my soap in the fridge. I usually just leave it out on the counter uncovered. Perhaps it just needed to stay in the mold a bit longer and set up a bit longer before you cut it. If I check my soap and it still seems a bit soft I just let them sit another day before I unmold and cut them. I want to make a castile soap but I don't want to tie up my mold for several days. I was watching a you tube video and a lady used a rectangle plastic storage tub as her mold for her castile soap. I may do that. Maybe it would harden faster....I don't know, but I will find out.
I put it in the fridge to avoid gel stage. It's not really soft on the outside and it just crumbles. I will take picture as it's hard to explain.
here is a picture of the soap. It just seems like maybe I left it in the freezer too long? I dont know. Still cant cut it. It just crumbles.

The weird shaped round piece is me working the crumbles together like a dough.

It sounds like a wonderful recipe for scraps ! I am addicted, too but need to become more adventurous. Not gelling, I put my mold in an airy place and just cover it with plastic wrap. But on occasion when the soap was getting warm on the bottom and threatening to partial gell I stick it in the freezer for about 15 min. Your soap looks good to me.

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