Ocean water soaps

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
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dragon nest, soap porch, garden, or goat pen
These were made with water from the ocean that I got on a trip to see my sister. These soaps will go as Christmas presents for the siblings that went on that trip.


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Looks great!

Is this the first time you made such soap - and if not - have you noticed any problem with DOS or soap scum because of all the minerals in the ocean water?
I use sea water quite often too. I have just experienced DOS in a recent batch (made November 2023). The DOS appeared at about 6-8 months of age. Not sure if it's the sea water or whether I used that dreaded dark purple mica that was causing DOS in all my soaps. I think I had cottoned on to the mica issue in November, so the only other odd-bod in there is the sea water. I used a different batch of sea water collected from the east coast rather than west coast water I had used previously. So it could be that? The only way to know is if I make another batch with the same water.
I mean, if hard tap water has minerals in it, and sea water also has lots of minerals in it (even more) - how come so many people get DOS from tap water and those who make soap with sea water (usually) don't? Maybe I'm missing on something and there's some crucial difference between the two, so one of them just works while the other doesn't.

A quick Google search gives this result: 'According to scientific analysis, seawater contains a minimum of 78 different minerals, from the most commonly found, such as magnesium and calcium, to trace elements such as gold and silver in very low quantities.' Another source states around 85 different minerals.

Maybe it's a question of finding the right additives (chelators/antioxidants/conservatives) to prevent DOS? Anyway, I thought it would spark an interesting discussion. And I'm curious what KiwiMoose concludes regarding her batch.

P.S.: The wood grain combined with the custom impression gives the soap an unique rustic look!