Newby To Soap Making

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Mar 7, 2012
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Hi, I am new to soap making and wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple of questions.

I am Kim.

I have been reading lots of stuff, way too much to comprehend it all at once. I have made two batches of soap using the lye calc at soapcalc.

I just used lard to begin with and noticed that the Cleaning numbers stay at 1 which does not fall into the 12 - 22 category. What additives, or oils should I add to increase this number? I have made two 5 lb batches and they are in the molds now drying.

They seem to be hardening nicely, but I am concerned about their ability to actually clean. Should I be, have I wasted 10 lbs of soap?

Second actual question, should I discount the lye the 5% or more? Is it necessary?

Sorry to bother you, sure you have heard this all before.


Welcome Kim! :)

Don't worry about the cleansing number on SoapCalc. Trust me, your 100% lard soap will clean just fine. :)

The numbers that measure the "Soap Qualities" on SoapCalc are not exact or anything like that, and should be taken with a grain of salt. The only thing they are good for (if you ask me) is as a plumb-line of sorts more than anything else, i.e.- for when you are formulating subsequent batches in order to compare the end qualities of one formula against another so that you can better tweak your future formulas to be more to your liking. (Hope that made sense :) )

Since you are just starting out, you may want to make smaller batches. For those new to the craft, I always recommend starting out with at least 1 lb., but not much more than 2 pounds at a time. A 1 lb batch will make 4 to five bars of soap depending on how you cut it, and a 2 lb batch will make double that.

Starting out with smaller batches at the first means less waste if something were to go wrong, which often happens when one is just getting their soaping legs, but even if nothing goes wrong with your first batches, smaller is still better because you may end up not liking how your batch came out in terms of how it feels to your skin or how it lathers, etc... For what it's worth, I've been soaping over 6 years and my favorite size to make at a time is still 2.5 lbs. That makes plenty to keep me and my extended family and close friends well supplied. Another advantage of the smaller size is that I can make a variety of several different scented batches with different coloring schemes and not be swimming in an overstock of soap (plus it means I get to soap more :wink: )

Re: your lye discount. You should always discount your lye for safety sake (i.e. to avoid lye heavy soap). Most discount by at least 5%, some discount more. What was your lye discount?

IrishLass :)
I used the discount figured in soapcalc which was 5% I believe. Should I discount more?

When I pull up the lye calc, it automatically has 5% in the discount field.
I just went back and looked at it and it is 5% super fat, that is the same as the discount correct?

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