That is lovely, biarine. Sometimes I want to pick up a hook and see what I can do. However, my mom is a master at crocheting. I wanted to develop a talent of my own and not have it constantly compared to hers. (Childish, I know.)
You and I have pretty much the same dream!
At the rate I am going never LOL. I am 48 now so I guess when I am too old to walk the halls passing meds is when I will retireAnd a most awesome dream it is!! How long before you get to retire?
That is lovely, biarine. Sometimes I want to pick up a hook and see what I can do. However, my mom is a master at crocheting. I wanted to develop a talent of my own and not have it constantly compared to hers. (Childish, I know.)
OOH! Lovely purse! Is that pattern from Bag-O-Day Crochet? If so, isn't she wonderful?!
Ah, you will be surprised at how quickly the time passes. I still can't believe that I'm retired (for just over a month now.) I keep expecting the phone to ring and someone to say...."Hey, aren't you supposed to be at work today, where are you?" It feels weird.At the rate I am going never LOL. I am 48 now so I guess when I am too old to walk the halls passing meds is when I will retire
Teresa, my sister actually got the afghan from a friend, who spent an ungodly amount of money on several of them at a charity auction, I think. So no way to know. I don't even know where it is now, it was so itchy I might have thrown it away. I would love to take you up on your mitten offer, but it would be a waste. My manual dexterity is so bad that I buy gloves in gross from the dollar store and cut off the finger tips so that I am less likely to drop things. I have tons and tons of mismatched "bum" gloves for when I walk the dogs when it is cold ....