New Soaps: Red Palm, meadow piggy, minty salt, lavender, melt & pour

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2014
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So Cal
My apologies for the monster post, I seem to have gotten behind in my photography. But I've been having a lot of fun trying some new things!

The first pic of the orange swirly soap is is a soap with a lot of firsts. My first time with red palm oil, my very first swirly soap (really!!), and my first time playing with stamps. Oh and my first time using a mix of patchouli and orange EOs. The soap itself is a basic OO/PO/CO/Castor with 10% shea. Im super pleased with how the swirls came out, and how the stamps work.

The second green and blue soap is 60% lard, and was supposed to be a hangar swirl, but I let it set up too quick so its layers now. The scent is Grass Stain FO from BB, everyone loves green grass soap it seems :)

The third white salt soap is my bog standard 80% CO /15% OO/ 5% castor / 80% salt soap. This time I scented with fir, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint and spearmint, and is crazy fresh smelling.

Ill put the other two pics in the next post



Mint salt soap.JPG
Ok next are one that didnt turn out as planned, and one super fun new method.

The purple and white is my basic lard lavender soap, I wanted to make geometric patterns using cardboard tubes. First I overshot thin trace, so it was a bit too thick, but not too thick to ooze out from under the tubes! Then it was cold in the house and it didnt gel and took forever to set up and was a bit too cheesy when I cut it, so it crumbled. Of course its lovely to use, and I adore the purple from the alkanet, but it aint pretty!

The second is a melt and pour I made in a local meetup!! Its base is HP CO/PO and lots of castor soap, then dissolved in propylene glycol and glycerin and some sugar water. Since I vape and make my own e-liquid, I already had the PG and VG at home. The process was a lot simpler than I thought it would be, the soap is lovely and gentle, and now Im discovering the fun of melt and pour soap. As you can see, its fairly transparent, and Im starting to play with natural colorants - this one is madder root, and scented with patchoulli.

purple and white lavender.JPG

Melt and pour.jpg
Beautiful soaps. So many to comment on. I really love the swirls on the yellow and blue soap and the colour of your second soap. The scent of your salt soap sounds divine!

Lovely stamps too, they came out so much better than my attempt at stamping! I love the idea of the geometric shapes with your lavender soap. The alternating colours are great and looks really effective.
Thanks Rowan! That first one is actually black swirls, but I guess the light was odd when I took the photo - that is just red palm, white palm and charcoal for the color.
Wow, that clear mp is really clear! I always thought that homemade mp bases were cloudier. Congratulations. The soap is really pretty, too!
Is it? I was thinking it wasn't very clear, but I don't really have any experience. Thanks!! I do like its wet look on the soaps I've made with it.
It actually is pretty clear, that seems to be the biggest problem that people trying to make their own MP bases have w/it. This is close to the clearest I have seen on the boards. I don't think you can get it clearer than that without adding stuff that people who are making their own soap base don't want to do. At one point I looked hard for a super/crystal clear pre-made base with a good/clean ingredient list and more or less gave up, I am sort of thinking it is like a great coconut FO for CP, the elusive if not impossible goal :)
I love looking at soap pictures so a long post is not a problem for me.

I love your wooden soap stamps and the rest of your creations are lovely too.
I bought some, but haven't used mine yet. How old was your soap when you stamped it?
Right after unmolding and cutting (so about 24 hours), and I did not use a hammer or mallet, just pressed hard. A light tapping with say a spoon might have led to more crisp stamps.
Love your orange-patch swirly! That's one of my favorite EO blends and I'm so jealous of your stamps . . . one more item to add to my wishlist. :)

Also think your homemade M&P looks great. I've been wanting to try it after learning Tractor Supply carries PG.
Love your orange-patch swirly! That's one of my favorite EO blends and I'm so jealous of your stamps . . . one more item to add to my wishlist. :)

Also think your homemade M&P looks great. I've been wanting to try it after learning Tractor Supply carries PG.

I was surprised at how easy it was to make the M&P, a bit more work than HP, but not more than LS. Granted it was in a group, but it went really smoothly.