I have two updates to share. My new house is supposed to be delivered in February!!
We will see, that is what the dealer is telling me so we are proceeding with the foundation this month. It is already down to 10º F so the ground is freezing so we need to get things done.
As for my sister, and mom's estate. You just cannot fix stupid, I am sorry to say. I am beginning to think her Master's Degree is stupid. It looks like we will be going to litigation and guess who will get the bulk of the estate? Yup the attorneys. Five attorneys read the Trust that mom and father left me two of the three houses and she still believes the trust has to be shared 50/50. Sadly she needs the money to live and pay for the house she lives in, I do not. We never lived our lives depending on an inheritance my sister did. I offered a settlement she tells me it is not enough, only 50/50 is enough. I tried talking to her yesterday and she let her nasty daughter cuss me out. I told her I am done, it goes to a judge and she can risk one person determining the outcome after spending money for two attorneys. She was always the "Golden Child" with lots of money given to her by my parents, well they are gone now so is her security blanket.
But I will have my New House!! Now I just have to figure out how to move all my lizards, hubby is driving me nuts over it.
Sorry for the Rant, but several of you have followed this saga for a few years with my sister so I figured I would add this update.

As for my sister, and mom's estate. You just cannot fix stupid, I am sorry to say. I am beginning to think her Master's Degree is stupid. It looks like we will be going to litigation and guess who will get the bulk of the estate? Yup the attorneys. Five attorneys read the Trust that mom and father left me two of the three houses and she still believes the trust has to be shared 50/50. Sadly she needs the money to live and pay for the house she lives in, I do not. We never lived our lives depending on an inheritance my sister did. I offered a settlement she tells me it is not enough, only 50/50 is enough. I tried talking to her yesterday and she let her nasty daughter cuss me out. I told her I am done, it goes to a judge and she can risk one person determining the outcome after spending money for two attorneys. She was always the "Golden Child" with lots of money given to her by my parents, well they are gone now so is her security blanket.
But I will have my New House!! Now I just have to figure out how to move all my lizards, hubby is driving me nuts over it.
Sorry for the Rant, but several of you have followed this saga for a few years with my sister so I figured I would add this update.