New From Indiana

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Sunny Side

Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
Hi! I just found this forum. I have been making cp soaps for about 4 months now, so still a newbie. I agreed to do my first craft show in November and I am really nervous about that. Can't wait to jump in the discussions.
Hello Sunnyside and welcome!

By all means, pull up a chair and make yourself at home and read to your hearts content. There's much good info here from the many experience soapers to learn and glean from. :)

I agreed to do my first craft show in November and I am really nervous about that.

I would be nervous, too, even though I've been making soap for years now. :) Are you sure you want to commit to doing a show so soon? Now I don't want to come across as a wet blanket or to discourage your soaping enthusiasm or anything (because I love my craft and I'm usually an incorrigble encourager in it :wink: ), but I am always very hesitant to advise anyone just new to the craft to commit to fairs or shows so soon. Four months in 'soaping years' is such a short time to know the craft and your product well, and to be confident in it. Have you done any testing?

IrishLass :)
Oh yes, I have been doing testing. I am also under my aunts guidance who is a long time soaper. I did not have any plans on selling my soap for another 6 months or so. Then a girl I know who sells hats asked me if I would be willing to share a table with her at the craft show at the 4-H fair. I am a sucker and said yes :lol:. It is suppose to be a very slow fair.

I know that I am crazy taking this on, but I am seeing it as a good way to get my feet wet.
I'm a transplant from CA 9 years ago so I don't catch the name association :( sorry. Well it sounds familiar like a business or service but that's about all I get.
LauraHoosier said:
I'm a transplant from CA 9 years ago so I don't catch the name association :( sorry. Well it sounds familiar like a business or service but that's about all I get.

Got you. You don't hear it as much anymore, but southern Indiana is still known to be called "the sunny side of Louisville"