My Mother-in-Law went to markets...

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I would buy from Shifty Muppet Soapworks... So long as the ingredients are listed haha ;).
On a side note... I'm looking on made-it for some products, and one has written in the description "please review ingredients on packaging for allergies before use"... So this seller wants me to buy the product and pay for postage before checking for allergies?!?! I guess I could send him/her a message prior to buying... But to be honest that's too much effort for me, I'll just go to a different store :)
This same seller also uses "no chemicals" (interesting...), "no preservatives" and "no hidden nasties". I thought that without using preservatives you are guaranteeing that there will be hidden nasties...
/rant lol.

Sounds like another shifty muppet. I hope they weren't creams or lotions you were looking at! Ewww.
Sounds like another shifty muppet. I hope they weren't creams or lotions you were looking at! Ewww.

That's exactly what I was looking at!

Want a certain type of face cream... Looked at cost of ingredients to make it myself, (I may only use $2 worth for my cream, but it's a big initial outlay) and tried to find someone online who may have what I'm after.

Gave up and ordered my own supplies.
Now I will be surrounded by soap and lotion! (Preservatives included to keep out the nasties!!)
This same seller also uses "no chemicals" (interesting...), "no preservatives" and "no hidden nasties". I thought that without using preservatives you are guaranteeing that there will be hidden nasties...
/rant lol.

Maybe they were saying that all of their nasties were out in the open?

I asked a seller about her superfat because it was part of the signs and sale pitch- facial soaps that were higher superfat. She refused to even talk to me. After some discussion and thought, I think she was reselling someone else's soaps- getting them wholesale and selling them at a market. They were labeled etc... but I wonder if your lady is selling her own product or not. If not, then she might truly not have been able to say what was in it. Wouldn't buy from her either way, to say nothing of your regulations.