My Lavender Spoon Swirl Soap

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2014
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Well here it is, my lavender soap and the first time I tried the spoon swirl. I'm very happy with it. My only complaint is that I wanted to cut it with a straight blade but b/c my small brain could't comprehend how to avoid the dragging of the lavender buds I ended up using a crinkle cutter to help cover the dragging. It didn't even occur to me to turn the loaf over on its side and cut. :???:

Lavender wet.jpg

Lavender side.jpg

Lavender cut.jpg

Lavender more swirls.jpg
Those look great! What was the recipe? How did you make the purple color?

The recipe was for 26 oz of soap (to fit my mold). I used regular Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Cocoa Butter and Castor. I used 1.5 oz Lavender Sachet FO and Ultramarine Violet Oxide for the purple and nothing for the white. I mixed the UMV in some sweet almond oil, approx 1 tsp oxide to 1 oz oil and I used 1/2oz of the oil to color the batter.
Gorgeous soap, love the swirl, love the color. I agree, the spoon swirl is about the only one I can do.But.....why are't your buds brown/black like when I've tried to use them? Also, because you only have buds on top, and not in the soap itself, you can turn it on it's side and cut, and you won't have problems with dragging.
Gorgeous soap, love the swirl, love the color. I agree, the spoon swirl is about the only one I can do.But.....why are't your buds brown/black like when I've tried to use them? Also, because you only have buds on top, and not in the soap itself, you can turn it on it's side and cut, and you won't have problems with dragging.

I dont' know, I hope they don't turn brown though. I did notice that when a few fell off that the soap was brown underneath, blah!
It didn't dawn on me until this morning that I could have turned the loaf sideways to cut it, a deff duh moment!
Thank you everyone! I think I'm finally getting the hang of soapmaking, at least the handful of recipes I've made so far.