My first soap....

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Miami , florida
And it's gelling I think....
I followed the recipe from "the nerdy farm wife". It was her honey and oatmeal soap. I only used a Tbsp of honey and I think it is gelling. It was a beautiful creamy white and now it is dark in the center. Help! What do I do?
I can't see it in too much detail (old eyes, small photo, lol) but it looks like separation to me; is it getting firmer as a whole?
Can anyone respond? I put the soap in the refrigerator hoping to cool it down. Is it supposed to gel or not? Maybe this is normal but I don't think so.
Reeny my very first soap had honey in it. It was a lovely creamy colour but it gelled and the whole thing went brown. You really need to soap cool and put it in the freezer as soon as you pour it. It will still be good soap but it may be brown all the way through or partly brown
Thanks karenbeth. I knew this could happen I even asked the nerdy farm wife but she told me that the little bit of honey wasn't a problem but obviously it was. It looked so pretty. Darn!
People, you need to stop freaking so much when your cp gels. That's really the whole point of cold process. Lots,of,time the soap will lighten up as it cures if it's a milk soap. Look on the bright side, it will last longer when you use it and once a soap goes thru a full gel you can try it out as soon as its hard enough to cut without fear of getting burned.
Well I am sorry about freaking cause this was my first try. It wasn't a milk soap but I did add a tbsp of honey.
What i'm trying to say is cold process soap is suppose to gel. It's not a bad thing it's how the process is suppose to work. Some people prefer not to gel but this is going against the nature of the soap. The easiest way to not gel your soap is to use a 40% lye solution. You just have to be more carful on which fo's you choose to use.
put in fridge or freezer to not gel , cover with towels etc. to gel or you will have half gelled soap most likely

I didn't now a gelled bar would last longer than a un gelled bar thanks
put in fridge or freezer to not gel , cover with towels etc. to gel or you will have half gelled soap most likely

I didn't now a gelled bar would last longer than a un gelled bar thanks

I just goggled gel phase cold process one of the pro that it makes your soap last longer.

My only concern now if I will have a partially gel or not.
Just remember partial gel is just cosmetic. It will fade over time. If your family, or who ever, tries to give you grief over the look just tell them it's a design feature and call your soap " Moon on a foggy night"
I actually kind of like the brown of a honey or milk soap that has gelled. i guess I'm one of those that has embraced the brown (vanilla FO!). I just made a honeycomb designed honey soap and it's a really pretty tan/brown color. Kind of actually looks like honeycomb. I usually prefer to gell and will even CPOP for soaps that I'm concerned might not fully gell. But to each their own I guess.
Just remember partial gel is just cosmetic. It will fade over time. If your family, or who ever, tries to give you grief over the look just tell them it's a design feature and call your soap " Moon on a foggy night"

I don't think my family members will know the difference between gelled and not gelled. I think they will be totally impressed that I made my own soap!!!

I took a picture of it tonight when I got home and took it out of the refrigerator. It looks pretty and yes you can tell the center gelled, but it is my first soap!
I don't think my family members will know the difference between gelled and not gelled. I think they will be totally impressed that I made my own soap!!!

I took a picture of it tonight when I got home and took it out of the refrigerator. It looks pretty and yes you can tell the center gelled, but it is my first soap!

you take pictures you must share :razz:
Congrats on your first batch! Now comes the hard part...waiting! What are you going to make next?

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