I made this shaving soap today and had such a weird experience, I figured I'd give everyone a good laugh.
I followed instructions, carefully weighing ingredients and setting up the equipment just right. Things went downhill quickly once I added the KOH. The CO went into trace almost immediately, so I then added the melted stearic acid and with one stir of the spoon, the whole thing seized. Talk about surprise. I was completely at a loss. I went over everything and I know that I weighed it all correctly. I had the print out from soap calc in front of me, and I had all right.
After chopping at the mixture for several minutes, I ended up with a bowl full of what looked like hard crumbled wax. I figured, I try melting it, so I stuck in a double boiler and boiled away. Nothing doing. So, then I just poured it into a sauce span and put it over a burner on high. I was able to get it to smoke, but not a single crumble melted. Then it hit me that maybe something was wrong with the stearic acid or the KOH, so I checked the packaging. Stearic acid was what it should be, but the KOH was NaOH! I just ordered it and they sent it in a plastic bag with a tiny label where you could barely see what it said. They sent me the wrong stuff and I never thought to double check it. I was leery when I saw the plastic bag and thought it was a very unsafe way to ship a caustic substance. Anyway, lessen learned - always double check a product that you receive to make sure they filled the order correctly. Now, I know what happens when you try to make this recipe with NaOH - an indestructible wax forms. I tried taking a piece to see if I could get it to foam and I couldn't create a single bubble out of it. I'm just glad that it was only an 8 ounce batch.