I made my very first batch of soap about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I ordered a kit that said it would make 2- 2lb batches. I made them together to make a 4lb batch, but there was not enough olive oil in the kit, so I used the rest out of my kitchen(probably not the exact same). I was using colors, so I separated out the mixture into each container w/ color. I then added fragrance oil, but was not sure how much to add to each, so I just guessed. The soap started setting up way too quick and I pretty much had to spoon it into the mold. It actually turned out pretty good. I tried to cut it after about 48 hours, but got the "drag marks on it and it seemed too soft, so I waited a few more days. It is curing now and smells good. I can't wait to use it! Any suggestions for this newbie?