My first batch of CP soap

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Mar 21, 2011
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To my suprise, the soap was hard enough to cut just after 13 hours of soaping. But my swirl did not show because the soap looks like lemon pound cake color and that's okay. Any suggestions on how to get a white bar of soap?
what did you use to scent it? sometimes the FO will turn the soap colors. if you want all white, use oils that are white like lard, palm oil, PKO, coconut etc. :)
krissy said:
what did you use to scent it? sometimes the FO will turn the soap colors. if you want all white, use oils that are white like lard, palm oil, PKO, coconut etc. :)

I used Pure Seduction by Natures Garden Candles supplies. The only non-white oil that I used was Extra Virgin Olive Oil which was golden. I would like to use Jojoba Oil but that is also golden, would you know where I could find a clear Jojoba Oil or if there is a clear Jojoba Oil? The oils that I used were Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Castor Oil, EVOO and FO.

I don't mind the color, since I am just keeping it for myself.
Not sure on your views about lard kristen but my lard/tallow bars are very very crisp white. Otherwise titanium dioxide may help. I don't need it bc of my lard & tallow so I don't know to much about it. they look very creamy and silky smooth!
lovelysuds said:
Not sure on your views about lard kristen but my lard/tallow bars are very very crisp white. Otherwise titanium dioxide may help. I don't need it bc of my lard & tallow so I don't know to much about it. they look very creamy and silky smooth!

I'll have to purchase some Titanium Dioxide. I have used olive oil now in two batches of cp soap, only one turned olive green. I am thinking the reason is because of the tea tree oil I added. I always wondered how people came up with a white bar of soap, I'll try the Titanium Dioxide next time.
100% Coconut Oil soap will be pure white as well. I have a goat milk bar that was coconut, palm, and olive and it's a nice creamy color, not white though.

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