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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2016
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I've managed to recycle about 15 kg of soap loaf ends and planer shavings within the last couple months. I found through experimentation that I can go half-and-half soap batter to recycled soap without having problems with bubbles or air pockets. Yesterday I used up the last 2 kg, mostly very brittle and dry old shavings from various soaps. I broke it all up with my hands before adding the soap batter. I scented it with NDA's Jasmine FO which probably smells nothing like jasmine but at least it behaves well in CP soap.


Those look great! But 15 kg of scrap? How much soap do you make in a year? :)

I hate to say it, but it's years and years of accumulation. It's been bothering me for a long time; thinking "I'll find a way to recycle it soon", and all the while the stock pile just grew. I could never bring myself to throw it out...

Well I finally got down to doing it. :)

I've got a lot of shreds to deal with as well....thanks for the incentive! Great peaks and a lovely bar!

Thanks, and I obviously needed a lot of incentive! Haha

Actually it was browsing some of the threads on this site before I joined that helped me with the incentive. Apart from regular confetti soap and rebatched balls, I hadn't really experimented with recycling before a few months ago.

Here is another soap I made last weekend that was inspired by my kitchen counter. The imbeds are from a pink zig-zag ribbon pour in a slab mold I made a few weeks ago that unfortunately overheated and turned yellowish inside due to the FO I used. It was a very sad day. So into the recycling effort it went. This one I scented with my precious Candora "Sandalwood" FO along with some of NDA's dark patchouli EO.


Wow! Such pretty confetti soaps! Especially the clean mint green line with all the confetti! And the abstract pink in marbled gray!!! :p
well I have curing some pink himalayan salt bars...not my usual recipe and a small batch that I added a lot of pink colored shreds to and then added pink kaolin clay to...I'm curious to see what's it like but barring the lumpiness contributed to the batter from the shreds and the fact that it's all in molds not to be cut for all appearances you'd never know I added shreds to it...
I had wanted to try a different recipe to compare with my stand by and this gave me an excuse...I still marvel at the tutorials online using coarse himalayan soap as a garnish on a surface of the soap...the term bloodletting comes to mind...