Hi my name is Rebecca and have been creating Candles for roughly 5 years. My question is my 11 year old, son has bad eczema on his legs and arms. We have tried all the pharmaceutical creams and none work for him. So we looked into creating a natural cream for him in the hope it will help.
113.5 g shea butter
109 g coconut oil
1 tablespoon locally sourced Honey
1 drop Vitamin E oil
25 drops lavender EO
5 drops Tea Tree EO
We tested a small patch and unfortunately, it caused a reaction. I can replace the coconut oil with mango butter. But has anyone else created a natural moisturising cream for this painful skin condition. I would really appreciate any assistance.
When I started my self treatment for rashes and eczema ~ I learned real quick that it's best to test one oils at a time, like they do for allergies, only maybe rub a spot on your forearm about the size of a quarter for each oil/butter you want to try. You can use little dose cups from medication (I tend to collect them ) and pour a little bit in each cup (write on the cup w/a sharpie what's in each one), then use a Q-tip for each oil and swab a little circle on your forearm or any clear skin area (leg, stomach, back, wherever). Then wait for an action or reaction ~ redness, itching, bumps, etc). Next, use the non-reactive oils and test each one on a mild outbreak area and check for reactions again ~ because now you have to see how it will feel on the eczema skin. So really it's a 2 step process.
I will add that I had better luck with the heavier oils & butters that coated my skin and/penetrated deeply. Ingredients such as: shea butter (my skin liked the organic yellow), Cocoa butter, olive oil and coconut oil together (but not separately), ostrich or emu oil (these are excellent for eczema!), animal fats (I can't tell you how good it felt to rub bacon grease on my hands

) and last but not least, Crisco (yep, good old Crisco straight from the can).
Once you find the oils your skin can tolerate, then you start testing EOs individually in one of your base oils on your skin, the same way ~ first on good skin, then on eczema skin.
You have to take your time to find what works for you ~ you can't expect any general recipe to be good for you because it works for others. Everyone reacts differently to different things ~ that's what makes us special
I found my oils combo then started making soap with goat's milk because so many sources said it's great for eczema ~ turns out it didn't agree with my skin ~ but making soleseife soaps (with salt water) does great for me!
You have to be open to all other options!
Best wishes on your journey for your son