Menthol Crystals Use

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Mar 9, 2017
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SE Denver CO

Menthol crystals are soluble in alcohol, essential oils and olive oil but almost insoluble in water and glycerin. I prefer to dissolve them right into my fragrance blend.

Menthol crystals start to evaporate at 21°C (70°F).
Melting point: 41° - 44°C (106° - 111°F);
Boils at 212°C (413.6°F)

If you’ve never melted menthol crystals, be forewarned -- the fumes can knock your socks off! You can use oil, or FO/EO to melt the crystals. Here’s what I do and have no problems with fumes and they melted easily:

(Mask & gloves recommended) Using a hot plate, a heat resistant beaker, and a celsius thermometer, drop menthol crystals into essential oil and warm to 41°C (106°F). You’ll know when you’re there because you’ll get the first waft of menthol, so take off heat, give a stir to make sure the crystals are fully melted, then add rest of the EOs/FOs in the blend.

Store in an amber glass bottle, in a cool dark place, out of direct sunlight until ready to use.

USE RATE: 1-2%; normally do not exceed 5%.
Use 5% for hot and cold feeling, i.e., "Icy Hot" sore muscle rub.
Use them in a foot cream at 2%. Crush up and add to hot oil.
Use 1-2 crystals for a small 8 oz batch of lotion.
I started out using it at 3% and it just wasn't strong enough, even at 6% it doesn't give me the tingly sensation I really want. I don't know what the max safe amount is but I need to find out and try again, I like the mintiness in the heat of summer.
This is IMHO...
I suppose if it is just for Your own personal stash you can use what ever you want. But I would never sell anything that is over 1% from what I am reading. I read on here someone that got their bum burned, not a good thing ( ) And everywhere else says 1% 2 tops.
If someone wants a tingly feeling, I would tell them to use Ben Gay or IcyHot. Soap is for cleaning not an icy hot feeling. If they get that tingly feeling on the face or Nether World parts and you could be looking at a lawsuit.
Some people just do stupid things and that is fine for them but not with my products.
Please excuse my ignorance, may I ask why you add menthol crystals to your soap? Thank you
Menthol is the chemical that puts the sensation into peppermint that can feel tingly cold or spicy hot depending on circumstances. If you want more of this sensation than peppermint alone can give you, you want to use menthol. It is an irritant to delicate skin - one's nether regions and face can become irritated or have a burning feeling.
Menthol is the chemical that puts the sensation into peppermint that can feel tingly cold or spicy hot depending on circumstances. If you want more of this sensation than peppermint alone can give you, you want to use menthol. It is an irritant to delicate skin - one's nether regions and face can become irritated or have a burning feeling.
Thank you DeeAnna, Does it give more sensation than pure caffeine?
This is IMHO...
I suppose if it is just for Your own personal stash you can use what ever you want. But I would never sell anything that is over 1% from what I am reading. I read on here someone that got their bum burned, not a good thing ( ) And everywhere else says 1% 2 tops.
If someone wants a tingly feeling, I would tell them to use Ben Gay or IcyHot. Soap is for cleaning not an icy hot feeling. If they get that tingly feeling on the face or Nether World parts and you could be looking at a lawsuit.
Some people just do stupid things and that is fine for them but not with my products.

6% doesn't give a feeling anywhere near icy hot, its barely noticable to me and I use it on my face and nether regions.
Maybe I need to try menthol from a different source, I can't imagine 1% to be enough to smell, let alone feel.
The only minty soap I've used that was strong enough is dr.bronners peppermint and it was a bit much, burned my eyes but was perfect for the body
I have used Coffee scrubs that were suppose to, well not sure what but I got no caffeine increase if that is what you are talking about.

@Obsidian If you didn't smell much at 1% I do wonder where your source comes from. I think Vick's rub only uses 3%. looks like 2.6%
Like I said, fine for your self (anyone that makes it for themselves) but "I" wouldn't sell it.
I got mine at a local soap supply store. They are strong smelling in the bag and while melting.
I don't think vicks is that strong. It never feels minty on the skin and the only time I can really smell it is if I put it right under my nose.
Maybe I just have rhino hide when it comes to menthol but I've given away a few of my mint bars and gotten no complaints. I always warn people they could be zingy on delicate areas. I don't sell do thats not a issue for me.
Madison, you piqued my curiosity... have you used pure caffeine in a product? What is the "sensation" like?
1% was enough for me, I didn't fall in love with it though, there are people who love it. The feeling mostly lifting up or wakening you up in the morning. Do you have a ready bar of soap made with menthol for me to buy? I like to try it if possible.
Do you have a ready bar of soap made with menthol for me to buy? I like to try it if possible.
I'm sorry Madison, I don't have a bar of soap made with menthol. I use the crystals to make blends that I use in various products -- here's one that I got off the internet some time ago:


10 oz. Aloe Vera Gel Clear
0.2 oz. Glycerin
1 Drop Colorant (Optional)
0.5 oz. Menthol Crystals
1 ml Peppermint EO
1 ml Tea Tree EO
1.5 ml Eucalyptus Globulus EO

Mix together the Aloe Gel, Glycerin, and Colorant in a Pyrex and SLOWLY
heat with a double boiler.

Warm Menthol Crystals with EOs to melt crystals. (Mask recommended.)
Using a thermometer, drop menthol crystals into EOs and warm to 21°C
(70°F). You’ll know when you’re there because you’ll get the first waft of
menthol, so take off heat, give a stir to make sure the crystals are fully
melted. Add EO blend to Gel. Mix thoroughly and bottle.

Label - Aside from your INCI names, you can add customer directions as
follows: Apply small amount to feet after bath/shower or whenever you
prefer. Sit down and massage into feet well so that they are moist but Not
Slippery. If rash occurs, discontinue use. Keep out of reach of pets & children.
Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. For external use only.
I giggled through this whole thread - not because of the comments made, but because I literally just finished tweaking my Big Chiller recipe that I made two years ago. People still ask me when I'm going to make more and if I could make it more "zingy". I increased the menthol from 1% to 1.4% in combination with Eucalyptus and Rosemary EO's. I'm not going above that though as a few of the people who have asked for it used it when their kids had colds (note: my soap does not cure colds and is not intended to treat the common cold, this is just how a few of my customers chose to use their soap). I'm curious to see if that small increase makes a difference or not. I should also note that my percentage is of the total recipe, not a percentage of oils. Others may be referring to usage rates based only on percentage of oils - so to put my usage into that perspective it is about 2.4% (if I did the maths right... it's late, I'm dead tired, and math is not always my strong suit)

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