To Maevyn and sweetbean- only Admins can delete an account, but I encourage you both to stick around.
Is our forum perfect? No, because people on the whole are not perfect, but having been a member of several soap-making forum/communities over the years, I can truly say that the group of folks that we have here is the best I've ever run into on any of them put together, and I truly hope you will decide to stay so that we can get to know each other better. I'm not sure if you have had the chance to read our "Forum Culture & Tone" stickie in the Rules/Annnouncements section of the forum yet, but it was written to help avoid/diffuse/bring understanding to situations such as this. Here is a link to it:
SMF Forum Culture and Tone
Re: necroposting: Ditto what DeeAnna said^^^. The biggest problem I see with necroposting is that the newer question gets lost in the mix, thereby resulting in a severely diminished chance of it ever being viewed/answered. Posting it in a new thread instead puts a beaming spotlight on it that will generate more views and answers.
Case in point- I skipped right over this thread/refrained from opening it until today because I was limited on time and I saw that it had plenty of replies to it already. Unfortunately, little did I know that mostly all those replies dated back to 2011. I only opened it this morning because I had some extra time on my hands. If it were not for that, though, I don't think I would ever have opened it, because when I happened to have glanced over at its "Last Post" box, I saw that the last poster was an experienced member and I knew the OP had most assuredly been given excellent advice.
HappyHenrySoap said:
I'm asking about what you MIX your lye water in
I master-batch my lye solution all the time, and I mix it in a tall pitcher made out of PP(polypropylene) #5 plastic.
AsanaSoap said:
I use a hard plastic cup to mix my lye solution. It has etched at the water line. If I'm going to store the solution, I put it in a glass mason jar. I've never stored it for more than a couple of days, and the jar seems fine. My plastic cup is too small for frozen cubes of milk, though, so if I'm making goat milk soap, I use a glass jar. No etching that I've noticed.
Ditto what kchaystack said. ^^^ Mixing/storing lye solution in glass is not recommended (you do so at your own risk). You may not notice any etching now, but just wait. Please see question #4 in post #1 of this thread:
And also see this article on how alkaline and acid solutions lead to corrosion of glass:
The reason why we so greatly discourage using glass is because we've had several soapers report that their glass/Pyrex mixing vessels shattered on them either when mixing lye in them, or when mixing soap batter in them. Better to be safe than sorry.
Not all plastics are equal when it comes to mixing/storing lye solution, and some are outright not compatible at all. I mix mine in PP#5 and store in HDPE#2. Both are lye-compatible.