Lowes Riceland Rice Bran Oil

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Ok I would NOT have thought about looking at Lowes for this !
But I thought it causes more DOS then Olive?
And the feel is different ?
I have not had DOS in any of my soaps with RBO, not even with 100% RBO.

I would have never thought to look for any cooking oils at Lowe's. I don't believe I have run across a Lowe's with a department that carries cooking oils. I tend to wander around Home Improvement types of stores to get a feel for what they have and ideas for future projects. Maybe I don't do that as often as I used to do, but still I would certainly remember seeing cooking oil in a Home Improvement store. Where do they have it? Near the Bar-B-Ques and Turkey Fryers maybe? I could see how that might be a logical place for large bottles of cooking oil.
Is this what OP means?

LOWES HARDWARE STORE turkey fry oil :) and no i use it all the time and never have DOS.. but i use half half.. keep my numbers high in Oliec acid 35
I was not sure, I was searching old posts about it. I think a few years ago some thought that it was what was causing the DOS in someo of their soaps.
I looked at the Lowes website and sure enough it is there !

What is the FEEL difference compared to Olive? I couldn't really find that answer before.
no difference Olive and Rice bran fall into same sap category. you should try it.

I was not sure, I was searching old posts about it. I think a few years ago some thought that it was what was causing the DOS in someo of their soaps.
I looked at the Lowes website and sure enough it is there !

What is the FEEL difference compared to Olive? I couldn't really find that answer before.
Lin, I made some 100% RBO soap last year and I like it. I am not at home to look at my notes, but in this thread, Steve85569 reported it was creamy like OO soaps. That is what I remember, but as to anything else, I cannot recall without being near the soap to re-test or reading my notes. I think I mentioned it here on the forum in passing once, but cannot find that post, if in fact, I posted.
@earlene Yes I saw those and read a bunch on other forums too (older threads though).
I just couldn't find anything that had more then a couple people that gave opinions on how it feels in a regular soap (not a 100%).

I may just buy some because of the price :)
Dude. Where was this last week when I ordered RBO with my CO and paid a ridiculous amount in shipping? Coincidentally the nearest Lowes to me is 40 miles and I go to that city once a month.
Golly, this is great news. I have used rice bran for years and years ago when the price of Olive went so high I ordered from Riceland. I have used it interchangeably with olive and my soaps are great. The shipping recently made it out of reach for me so I have my formula back to mostly olive from Sams and a small percentage of Rice bran from Columbus. I will be making my way to Lowes pronto. My basic recipe is five oils but rice bran/olive is the greater part. This could be favorable for my soaping budget.
I just returned from my local Lowe's. It took the help of a store manager to track down where the RBO was located....high on a pallet in the back corner waiting for Thanksgiving. So, if you are not locating it in your local store by the fryers, have an employee check the computer system to see if they have it in stock and if so, have them check in the back storage area.