Low sweat mp base formula

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2013
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those of you who make your own base or are using a low sweat mp base, does it really make a difference compared to the normal base?

i make my own bases and i would love to have a low sweat one (coz i live in a country where its hot and humid all year round, so yeah, sweating is definitely an issue).

i'm thinking less glycerin... right? wrong?
I took a look at WSP clear M&P and low sweat M&P and they both have sodium cocoate, propylene glycol, sodium stearate, glycerin, water and sorbitol as ingredients so the difference must be the amount of glycerin.

cool, thanks lsg. will try making two batches, one with less glycerin and see the difference. humidity is my biggest enemy over here.
Wouldn't you need to use less glycerin? If Glycerin is a humectant, then more glycerin would equal to more moisture, and thus, more sweating...?

[Edited] I read the previous post wrong hehe but I am glad I know a little bit about glycerin at least! :p

yep, you're right. now i just gotta figure out how much less.

you can use the same lye calculator like you would CP/HP soap, like soapcalc, to find out the amount of lye needed. you also need to calculate the amount of solvents needed manually. there is a book about making mp base that taught me a lot about these things. unfortunately, that book doesnt have a formulation for a low sweat base.

yes, i did ask google. not many info from the suppliers about their low sweat base, as in they didnt specifically say what makes their base a low sweat one.
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did 2 batches with less glycerin and just left them out in the open w/o wrapper for 24 hrs. no sweating, no nothing. so yeah, i'm pretty happy that i found the solution :)
thanks Khanjari :) are you thinking of making your own base as well? I see that you did lots of mp. actually, i'm making my own base coz where i live (indonesia) it's really hard to get a good base (almost impossible). to import from other countries would kick me hard on shipping :( so yeah, no other choice than to learn and make one myself.
yes, it melted just fine. i didn't notice any difference compared to the 'normal amount of glycerin' one.

i noticed quite a big difference with the lesser amount of glycerin in terms of sweating. before, if i put it unwrapped it will certainly sweat very fast. now, i left it for hours unwrapped and it was fine.

oh it's a super secret amount that i'm going to take to my grave :wink:

lol, of course i will tell ya... well, my recipe is based largely on kayla's book (minus the SLES. i only use coco betaine). if my calculations serves me right (and i'm very poor at math, so you might wanna re-calculate just to be sure), she's using 33% glycerin from the total fats (stearic + myristic). i was using 10-15% glycerin from the total fats (i made 2 batches, one i did 10%, another at 15%). quite drastic i know, lessened to around half. i have tested the soap, and for me it wasn't drying. i was a bit wary of the soap too drying with the less glycerin amount.

if i'm not mistaken (from reading around), it's the propylene glycol that enables the soap to be remelted. so, i don't think the glycerin amount should matter. and yes, the soap melted just fine :)

can i ask you a question? did you use SLS/SLES with your base? if so, is your SLS/SLES in powder form, liquid, or paste? the one i have here is in powder form, and kayla never mentioned what form she was using. i don't know why, but i never have much luck when I use SLES for my base. it managed to turn my base from clear to white in 24 hours! funny, huh? i tried using less than her recipe suggested, but still not much luck. so, i just took it out and put coco betaine instead. it's foaming alright so far.

edited: the one with 15% glycerin has started to show a lil bit of sweating. i reckon 10% is the perfect amount for me. not more, not less :D
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here ya go gurdeep...


there is a kindle version too (the one i have), which is def cheaper :)

there is also a video on youtube by EdentiaFarms about making mp base from scratch. it's super easy to follow. the only lil minus is it doesn't produce a transparent/water like color. she was using vegetable oils, and so it's a bit yellowish, but very clear indeed. in the video, she was using a crock pot. i tried this method as well, and it was successful on first try as it was easy to follow.

link: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHS1V8HIwoE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHS1V8HIwoE[/ame]

the crock pot method, even if i was only using stearic, lauric, or myristic, still produce a yellowish color. the kayla method produces a more transparent color.
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^^^can i ask you a question? did you use SLS/SLES with your base? if so, is your SLS/SLES in powder form, liquid, or paste? the one i have here is in powder form, and kayla never mentioned what form she was using. i don't know why, but i never have much luck when I use SLES for my base. it managed to turn my base from clear to white in 24 hours! funny, huh? i tried using less than her recipe suggested, but still not much luck. so, i just took it out and put coco betaine instead. it's foaming alright so far.

edited: the one with 15% glycerin has started to show a lil bit of sweating. i reckon 10% is the perfect amount for me. not more, not less :D

Thanks for sharing. I made the High Sudz M&P from Kayla's book and I used Bio Terge 804 and Coco Betaine MPS along with the other ingredients. It really is high sudsing too and kind of a clear light amber. I have also made both recipes from the Edentia Farm blog, they both melt very well.
Thanks for sharing. I made the High Sudz M&P from Kayla's book and I used Bio Terge 804 and Coco Betaine MPS along with the other ingredients. It really is high sudsing too and kind of a clear light amber. I have also made both recipes from the Edentia Farm blog, they both melt very well.

i'm not familiar with bio terge, unfortunately. is it in powder form? the SLES we have here in my country is called texapone (they came in powder and paste forms). when you said amber, were you talking about the color of the soap? if so, it's not transparent/water-like color then?

so far, i've not able to make a real transparent/water-like color base. always have a slight yellow tint to it. i've added just a tiny bit of blue to fix it. it is better, but still not 100% satisfied :(

edentia's recipe does melt well. she used quite a lot of propylene glycol, def higher than kayla's recipes.

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