Lost my darling furbaby tonight

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
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I'm sorry if this is too off-topic to even be in the off topic section but after four months of not eating, despite all my efforts, the tests, the ultrasounds, the X-ryas, blood tests, fresh raw salmon, my angel Tiki the wondercat has passed.
I'm heartbroken tonight. When my little crazy, yowly, athletic tomboy of a cat-girl was alive, we were a household, a sitcom, a wacky mess. Not that I don't adore my remaining kitties, but now I'm just a lady who has cats.
Thanks for listening.
Very sorry for the loss of your furbaby. Sometimes we get one that stands out from the rest, and it sounds like this was your exceptional kitty. Still miss my Harley, and all his antics, hunting and bringing me all kinds of things.
So sorry your kitty passed away :cry:.

It has been 2 yrs and 8 months since I lost my special Ellie Bun.

Rainbow Bridge

[SIZE=+1]Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... [/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Author unknown...[/SIZE]
I'm really sorry for your loss. Our pets are so much part of the family that their loss hits us really hard, especially those that touch our hearts so much. My heart goes out to you.
So very sorry, I know it's heartbreaking. My darling Cookie went to heaven 18 months ago and I still miss him. Hope you have those people you want around you.
Grumpy_owl, I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds wonderful! You were there for her when she needed you and took the best care of her. Hoping in time you can think of her and smile at all of your memories.
My heart goes out to you. They leave such a big hole in our hearts when they leave, our four legged friends. Every time I lose a beloved pet, I say never again....it just hurts too much. But then another one comes along to fill the empty space....like they know there's a void to be filled. I have to believe that we'll see them again some day, along with the human friends and family that we've lost. I can never read the Rainbow Bridge poem without sobbing. I saved this quote I read somewhere.
"It's one of life's cruel jokes that the most loving creatures on the planet don't live as long as the creatures that need them the most."
So true. I'm sorry for your loss, grumpy.
I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my dog 8 years ago and I am still crying , it does not hurt that much anymore.
To lose a pet is a loss of family member.
navigator9 said:
"It's one of life's cruel jokes that the most loving creatures on the planet don't live as long as the creatures that need them the most."
So true.

it is !!

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