Lost my darling furbaby tonight

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Grumpy Owl, so, so sorry. Losing a pet - especially ones that have a special place in your heart - is so hard. Not just at the time, but after, when you find yourself forgetting and looking down to make sure they are not underfoot, waking up and instinctively checking, cocking your head to hear where the meow/scrabbling of little nails is coming from. Not sure it will help, but I think a lot of people who read about your furbaby will understand and grieve with/for you. I do.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your special kitty. They become such a big part of our lives and we really feel it when they are gone. I lost one of my lovely boys recently and miss him every day. It's small comfort but remember that you gave her all your love and a happy life.
Sorry for your loss, we lost our Luke last 2009 but I still cried when I saw his picture.
Your girl already in rainbow bridge ImageUploadedBySoap Making1430323806.919232.jpg
Thank you so much, everyone, for your kind words and sympathy. Anyone who has lost a pet understands what a hole it rips in your heart. I grieve for the loss of your little family members as well. It hurts as badly over time, but you will think of it less often, and that is a weak sort of blessing.
The house is very quiet tonight without her constant yowling and reporting on her day, and we are quite subdued. I will pick up her ashes and the empty carrier this weekend.
Hugs to my dear friends in this forum. We may not have met face to face, but you celebrate my joys and make my trials easier to face.
I'm so sorry for you loss. It's always so hard for us that truly love our furbabies. I'm sure the people here sincerely understand what you're going through. (((((Hugs)))))
I am so sorry for you loss. I know what you are feeling and how it hurts.

I had to put down my Simba two years ago. He was an awesome cat, I got him as a present form my dad when I was 6 and he came with me when I moved out of my parents’ home. I have other cats that I love and adore but still three years later I miss him.

Just remember she will be waiting for you over Rainbow Bridge.

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