Dalziel said:
pvc updates plz, im planning on trying a pvc round mold. How did you wrap, how long and all the little details

I love to try new tricks so I'll share what I've learned thus far.
I was using vaseline to coat the inside. It really made a difference. But it was messy and time consuming and I'm... well... lazy.
So I tried inserting one of those thin flexible cutting mats (3 in a pack for about $5 bucks). I cut it to size so that the ends meet as opposed to overlapping. I then cut it to length.
I've done 3 batches that way and OMG I will never go back to vaseline again. It comes out SOOOO EASY!!! And of course they are reusable.
I also used to put a plastic sandwich bag on the bottom, then a PVC test cap, and then used masking tape to seal. I've slightly altered that (again because I'm... well... lazy). I first put on the PVC test cap, then a piece of thick plastic cut from a garbage bag (though probably any plastic is fine). But instead of taping I then slide a PVC coupler over the end and push down hard. This stretches the plastic tight and holds the test cap in place. The coupler also makes the mold more stable while the soap hardens. It CAN be a little difficult to pull this off for unmolding but it seems each batch it comes off easier. I'm considering sanding down the end slightly... not sure yet.
It might make sense to put the plastic bag on first and THEN the test cap... but if you have to bang the mold to free up air bubbles the test cap CAN pop out and leak soap. (PLEASE don't ask how I know this!!

Other notes: I almost always wait 48 hours to unmold. I HAVE done it after 24 successfully but it just seems to cut so much easier if it hardens a bit more.
IF I insulate I just wrap the whole thing in blankets. When I do this I let it stay wrapped until I'm ready to unmold or at least until it is no longer giving off heat... this helps to insure a full even gel. When I DON'T choose to gel, it sits nicely on the top shelf of my fridge.