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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2013
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I seem to remember reading something about it not being a good thing to put florals etc. in soap? I am wondering why - will it go bad?

Asking because I added some decoration to my soap. It's only just on top. I just wanted to. Hoping that's not bad.

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and depends on where you are, florals on top can get moldy. I'm in tropics, so it's always hot and moist. I've done 2 soaps with florals on top. and never again here. they just get gross and I have to cut them off.
I adore the look of botanicals on or in soap. But I don't have a strainer in my bath/shower drain so I don't dare use chunkies.
lavender buds and rose petals go brown. the rose even went as far as black. there was somebody here (AnnaMarie was it?) who had great success with rose petals not turning brown. the buds are okay though, they stay true.
I should be ok then - they are dried Eucalyptus leaves and I live in a dry as heck province. Raining now, but that's only because it's monsoon June.

The only way I will attract soapies (soap groupies :D) is if my soaps look nothing like the plain hunks of colour in the local shops. Not that I want to share this one, it's my favourite fragrance.
I was right I don't want to share :)

Guess I'll have to make another one when my oils arrive.

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That looks wonderful. I really like the eucalyptus on top...I haven't seen that on a soap before. I can almost smell your soap too :)