Kitchen Cleaner

Soapmaking Forum

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Dec 29, 2023
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North Carolina
I am unsure where to post this but I am attempting to make a homemade kitchen cleaner. This is what I am doing. I would love some feedback.

Infusing white vinegar with different herbs. The herbs I am using are rosemary, thyme, mint, lemon balm, orange peel, pine needles. Cedar leaves, yarrow, and aloe vera leaf.

Infusing rubbing alcohol with pine resin.

Infusing these for around 4-6 weeks and then mixing them together (everything) so that the alcohol can extract what the vinegar could not and vice versa.

I will infuse this for about another week or two. Strain ready well. Add pure gum turpentine, glycerin, and Castile soap.

The turpentine is to assist with a good aroma but also to help cut any grease. The glycerin is to help with emulsification. The Castile soap is for emulsification and obviously to help clean.

I will have a more concise recipe when I see whether this works.

Any advice or pointers would be appreciated!
Should you decide you would like some alternatives, here are some suggestions from The Naturally Clean Home by Karen Siegel-Maier.

"Sanitize wooden cutting boards by rubbing with half a freshly cut lemon, lime, or grapefruit."

For wooden cabinets she suggests to mix:
2 cups distilled water
1/4 cup Murphy's Oil Soap
15 - 20 drops of cedar or patchouli essential oil
Shake well before each use. Spray lightly, then wipe down with cloth.

For kitchen counters and stove tops:
1 teaspoon liquid castile soap (if I am out, I substitute Dawn)
2 tablespoons vinegar
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 cups distilled water
10 drops lemon, lime, or orange essential oil
1 teaspoon borax.
Put in spray bottle. Shake well before use. Spray on, then wipe off with clean damp clorh.
I have a recipe for soft scrub that I will share with you if you are interested. It uses common household ingredients along with essential oils.
Here is the recipe I use
1/2 cup Sodium Carbonate
1/4 cup Borax
1/2 cup Sodium Bicarbonate
1/2 cup Liquid Soap ( I have found that homemade cream soap works great too.)
2 Tablespoons White Vinegar
25 drops Tea Tree EO
10 drops Lemon EO
10 drops Peppermint EO
Mix dry ingredients together, breaking up lumps. Add liquid soap and mix with whisk. Add EOs and mix with spoon. Add white vinegar and mix with spoon. If mixture is too dry, try adding a little more liquid or cream soap. Store in air-tight containers.