Justifiable homicide is about to be committed

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Victoria Australia
We have a lovely ornamental dam or pond l think you might call it in the States and after rather heavy bouts of rain our local bull frogs are in full voice but we have a newcomer .Its got a croak like a dripping tap ,l spent 2 nights searching for the dripping tap ,coming to the conclusion it was outside maybe the hot water unit ,after much complaining about the drip my husband finally went to investigate(he's as deaf as a post so it wasn't worrying him) only to find the darn drip was over in the dam.
l lie in bed waiting for the next drip and the next and the next its driving me crazy,l have tried ear muffs but l think the noise is in my subconscious now because l can still here the bl... thing.That frog has got to go as far away as l can throw him, the only trouble is how does one catch a frog ?? :twisted: :twisted:
Aww hugs , I feel your pain that would drive me nuts . I have no clue how to catch a frog ,maybe a fishnet , but how do you know it is the right one :wink: .

they usually play dead and don't move so if you see him, you could just pick him up.

That would drive me insane too
Awwwwwwww poor froggy, just has a different voice than his ancestors. LMAO, I dont think your going to find this frog. But if you do, be kind and drive him far away to another pond. LOL
Its ok no frog will be killed to save my sanity,l love my frogs but l have come to the conclusion this one must be a teenager,the only kind of species that really test my patience
I am praying for him to find a girlfriend quickly :lol:
The sound of frog's can rock me to sleep, right up until when the possum starts running up and down my roof in it's hob nail boot's. This is when my thought's turn to homicide. :twisted:
We have heaps of possums and they seem to choose the bedroom window to fight outside there's always a pile of fur in the mornings.How about koala's l have never hear anything like the noise they make when its mating time its sounds like pigs squealing and when they charge up the veranda it sounds like a herd of goats.Oh the joys of country life
By the way I don't mind our old bull frogs but that bl... frog has got a mate now its a double drip drip
I have never seen a Koala around here but I know that noise they make, more than once I have near jumped out of my skin when I heard that sound out bushwalking. You would think with my level of industrial deafness after 40 years of Blast furnaces and drop hammers that I would not be bothered by the tiny bit of noise a possum makes but they seem to know exactly the right time and place to make that growling sound in order to cause the most disturbance. Now that my old dog is gone no doubt they will venture even closer to the house (bedroom window) than before. When I find someone who really likes possum's I will bundle all mine up and deliver them for free, they are a lot easier to catch than bull frogs I think. :D
ewwww, I dont like frogs at all - so if you need an accomplice??? Frogs are decidedly icky!
It's too bad Steve Irwin is not alive. He'd dive right into that pond and snatch that frog, by crackie.... :) I miss that guy.
pops1 said:
We have a lovely ornamental dam or pond l think you might call it in the States and after rather heavy bouts of rain our local bull frogs are in full voice but we have a newcomer .Its got a croak like a dripping tap ,l spent 2 nights searching for the dripping tap ,coming to the conclusion it was outside maybe the hot water unit ,after much complaining about the drip my husband finally went to investigate(he's as deaf as a post so it wasn't worrying him) only to find the darn drip was over in the dam.
l lie in bed waiting for the next drip and the next and the next its driving me crazy,l have tried ear muffs but l think the noise is in my subconscious now because l can still here the bl... thing.That frog has got to go as far away as l can throw him, the only trouble is how does one catch a frog ?? :twisted: :twisted:

I dont like killing stuff... but have you looked up frog gigging...

thats how you catch frogs...
I wonder if this is the origin of saying's like "have a gig at this" or he/she is a bit of a "gig" which I always thought meant they were a sticky beak. :D