Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

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He's not little little - he's about 4 or 5 months and has horns about 6 inches long! I'll have to get some pictures of him.

But here's his predecessor when he was itty-bitty:


Baa Baa Leroy Brown :D He's now gone to another farm to have some new girlfriends.

And just for fun - a couple of newborn Nigerian Dwarf goats. The one on the left is now a yearling and turned to a lovely shade of chocolate brown, with blue eyes. She'll be showing at the Royal Winter Fair for the second time, next week.

You gotta have two! Otherwise they pine -unless they're like my latest bottle kid who is not a goat! She's not! As far as she's concerned, she's a little person with hooves. :lol: She hangs out at the back door, sleeps in the doghouses (and will sometimes share with the dogs), jumps up in my truck to go for rides, sneaks in the back door whenever she can . . .

The milk, cheese and soap are all awesome. :D
that is so cute!!! id def take a lil goat all over with me!>.. Ive heard they can be just as smart, if not smarter than dogs?

that true??

and ps! new record!! got my straight leg deadlift to 175 tonight!! WOOOHOOOO!!
Congrats on your new record! :D

Yes, goats are very smart. Not very house-trainable, though, although I've heard of some people that have done it. Most of mine know their names - it always astounds people when I call a goat's name at the fair and she answers me back. :lol:

Phoenyx is six months old now and she still insists on climbing into my lap for a rest if I sit down near her. She'll run up to me and lean her head into my leg while I give her scritches.
Half Caper Farm said:
Phoenyx is six months old now and she still insists on climbing into my lap for a rest if I sit down near her. She'll run up to me and lean her head into my leg while I give her scritches.

Our new dog does this, too. Perhaps goats are as smart as dogs?
Oh, I think they are. I know of one woman who has trained her Nigerian Dwarfs to do agility courses! :D That's right up their alley, jumping and climbing on things.

At night, I bring all the does in for grain, then my three milkers get put in a separate pen for the night. All I have to do is call their names, open the door and they come out, just those three, and go into their pen.