Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

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omg Ian, you are such a cutie. Built a lot like my husband, he is always trying to gain weight!

I just started running this week! A friend of mine is a regular runner (8 miles a day) and wants me to try a 5k next spring so I said sure!
It is HARD!!! I ran about 15 minutes (90 secs running, 90 secs walking) and by the end of it I thought my legs were going to fall off! WOW I'm out of shape! So here's to getting more fit, I wish you all the luck, it is hard work.
tasha said:
omg Ian, you are such a cutie. Built a lot like my husband, he is always trying to gain weight!

I just started running this week! A friend of mine is a regular runner (8 miles a day) and wants me to try a 5k next spring so I said sure!
It is HARD!!! I ran about 15 minutes (90 secs running, 90 secs walking) and by the end of it I thought my legs were going to fall off! WOW I'm out of shape! So here's to getting more fit, I wish you all the luck, it is hard work.

lol why thank you :) yeaaaah I dont run much, 5k to me is right up there with those dreaded forced-march spin classes Im afraid to try so far lol...

Here's to fitness!!!! :)

one thing that is nuts which i have noticed is if i dont eat i get this ravenous hunger where i feel like a lion and like everyone will turn into a T-bone or something lol I see slabs of steak hanging from treeeeees jkjkjjkj lol... but seriously i almost ate my steering wheel on the ride home from work tonight... lol i went on a cooking spree and made pizza, a burger, and 3 pieces of chicken and some other odds and ends lol.. fooooooooooooooooood :) Im gonna post another pic in a month or two to see if I look any different :) I love to see results! its so cooooool :)
Looking good, IanT and I agree with tasha...you're a cutie. :wink:

Congratulations on your new job! I've been hearing about Massage Envy but there aren't any close enough to my area. I'd love to go and get a massage.
aawwww Thanks on both accounts!!! :) ;) yeah Im so excited to be working there and staying busy, cant stand sitting at home being bored!

They are busy as hell all the time, Ive been doing like 5hrs of massage per day, which is alooooot, but making sure i stretch and stuff..id love to start my own practice once i get some $$ saved up....sooooon enough, just need to work towards it.. its so hard to compete with places like this to get clients...

My dream is to start a spiritual retreat center where people can go to learn yoga, get all types of bodywork, psychological therapies and everything else you can think of...basically escape from the craziness of the world...

I know what I want to do, just dont know how to get there....really frustrating sometimes... :?
That's a fantastic goal! But a huge one. But if you break it down into small goals I'm sure you'll succeed. From what I've seen of you on this forum, you're very passionate about what you do and you have the drive to overcome obstacles.

What's the first step to achieving this goal? You're already a LMT. What other modalities do you need to learn? Or are you going to hire a yoga instructor, a bodyworker, reiki practitioner, life coach, etc? Is there a spiritual retreat near you where you could talk to the owners and get advice? Perhaps if you went to your local SBA office, you could get advice on writing a business plan.

Are you going to be the sole owner or have a partnership? What about administration? Who's going to set up appointments and greet the clients? Where do you want this retreat to be located?

Okay, I'll stop here but I'm sure if you channel your frustration and apply it to one small step at a time, you'll achieve your dream.
IanT said:
one thing that is nuts which i have noticed is if i dont eat i get this ravenous hunger where i feel like a lion and like everyone will turn into a T-bone or something lol

umm, is it weird that I get that way too :shock: I'm a girl!! ahh!!!!! my metabolism is a little high, I have to eat often throughout the day to keep from crashing.
I get you though, the drive home from school/work is where I start to like.. space out about delicious food... hard to pay attention to the road! I keep food stashed in my car sometimes just for this! noms
Hazel said:
That's a fantastic goal! But a huge one. But if you break it down into small goals I'm sure you'll succeed. From what I've seen of you on this forum, you're very passionate about what you do and you have the drive to overcome obstacles.

What's the first step to achieving this goal? You're already a LMT. What other modalities do you need to learn? Or are you going to hire a yoga instructor, a bodyworker, reiki practitioner, life coach, etc? Is there a spiritual retreat near you where you could talk to the owners and get advice? Perhaps if you went to your local SBA office, you could get advice on writing a business plan.

Are you going to be the sole owner or have a partnership? What about administration? Who's going to set up appointments and greet the clients? Where do you want this retreat to be located?

Okay, I'll stop here but I'm sure if you channel your frustration and apply it to one small step at a time, you'll achieve your dream.

wooooow thats a lot to think about! I know I want to become certified as a yoga instructor (but have to learn yoga itself first so thats gonna be a while)... I def would like to have other practitioners there.... biz plan (need to write one of these for sure, actually just took an online course from the sba a few days ago with some helpful pointers but itd be nice to sit down with someone---> (http://app1.sba.gov/training/sbabp/index.htm) .... in terms of ownership... Im kinda open about it, wouldnt mind sharing the spotlight as long as the people im working with understand its for the benefit of the people, i mean not trying to get rich... I just want to be able to be happy, live, grow fresh food, eat it, and spread that happiness to people... I envision a property at least 20 acres or so, with gardens and forest and lots of green grass and old trees :)...

I know I want it to be near water, preferably the ocean...somewhere of moderate climate, maybe Cali, or somewhere.. (gotta be somewhere with soft, supple grass..not like the crab-grass down here in FL...thats what I see in my vision... golden light shining through oak leaves onto grass whilst i meditate in one of the gardens and look around and know... this is the place to be... where I am supposed to be...) I also want there to be classes people can take there, so Id need teachers (which could be the practitioners if they are qualified...maybe even me at that point, i love teaching people stuff)

definitely going to look for some local retreats like that , not sure if they even exist in FL... everything is so "commercial" here...at least where I am... I have wanted to go to one of the Native American reservations, but im afraid theyll think I am encroaching or something.. I just feel so drawn by that spirituality like an elder somewhere has something to say to me or a story to tell me that will unlock something in my mind.... who knows!?!?!

dont be afraid to keep going on that path lol i like the lil guide for concentrating and focusing my frustration into smaller parts... Im writing this down lol... kudos to you! :)

@tasha- nooooooo! not weird at all!!! Im riiiight there with you ! lol... I literally get to a point sometimes if I dont eat for a while(my lady makes fun of me) like I will not be able to think straight, and i literally will spend any amount of money to satiate the craving... (which is why im not allowed in a shopping venue unless im fed first lol) ... ooooh crap i needed that money for RENT!?!! shooooooooooooooot... but I was soooo huuuuungry lol...


I feel your pain (or pang technically **re hunger-pang) lol
lol... so my gf said my booty got bigger lol sweeeeeeet since I have been cursed with shall we say a flat-arse my whole life (genetic... I promise) lol... those squats work wonders... only been doing them one day per week since sept, and already seeing results..

Everything else is making progressive gains too..

loving this after-workout adrenaline high... I feel soooooo goood right now!!
Hey Ian, if you want a really good workout, I've got a goat barn that's hip deep in "organic" weights! :lol: Pushing a loaded wheelbarrow through 3 inches of mud will build up your glutes like nobody's business.

I've got forearms like Popeye from handmilking, and I'm getting shoulders like Joe Namath from machine-milking 80+ cows in the mornings. Flinging hay bales and walking the fencelines gives me my cardio.

And if you want whey, I toss it by the gallon after making cheese! :D The chickens will only drink so much of it.
lol Id be down! I wish I could live on a farm .... ahhh the good life living off the land!!! :) Farmers are some of the strongest (and most down to earth) people ive ever met :)
IanT said:
lol Id be down! I wish I could live on a farm .... ahhh the good life living off the land!!! :) Farmers are some of the strongest (and most down to earth) people ive ever met :)

Does this mean you're not coming to clean out my goat barn? :? Dang! Guess I'm going to have to do it myself.
lol if your in FL I would seriously take you up on the offer :)

Unless I can figure out the whole teleportation thing in my meditation techniques or being in 2 places at once (gotta beat the space-time continuum for that one ... still working on that ;) )

on a sidenote... I squatted 135 tonight... most Ive ever done before.. sweeet!...
Let's see, I did my cardio by catching the new ram lamb, my squats lifting him, carrying him outside and moving 40 kg (88 lb) bags of feed. :lol:

Soon it will be time to lift the inorganic weights - snow!

Let me know if you get that space-time continuum thing worked out. :wink:

Years ago, when I lived in the city, I used to go the gym. A friend took me into the "women only" area. I couldn't find any weights heavy enough. :roll:
lol I do NOT miss snow (originally from NY)...

awww you should post some pics of the farm! liil baby ram lamb sounds coool! lol well, from the standpoint of not having to chase it lol

aaahh I long to live on a farm and have the somewhat simple life :)
You should post pics, Half Caper Farm! That would be so much fun to see for us city folks.
agriffin said:
You should post pics, Half Caper Farm! That would be so much fun to see for us city folks.

yes! please do! you should start "the adventures of half caper farm" thread ;) id happily read/watch it :)