Just "Plain Lye Soap"

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We (well really I) got started soaping because of daughters skin issues too. But I started out researching trying to find what I could add to hers that would aid in healing her skin. Hers has Calendula among other ingredients. It really is a great exercise in restraint for me to not be adding "things" to the soap though. Sometimes simple really IS the best for some situations.
Ya think so? I kind of doubt that "color, fragrance or decorations" will do anything at all for his skin condition, although some "fancy" oils might.

FWIW, it was my desire to make soap without "color, fragrance or decorations" that got me into CP. But, not due to sensitive skin; my skin is pretty much bulletproof.
What I ment by "color, fragrance or decorations" are for example essential oils, nettle oil infusion (which as a bonus gives a green color), calendula oil infusion/crushed petals and finely ground oatmeal for a light exfoliation and soothening properties. Also nice moisturizing oils of course, he doesn't like having any oils left behind by the soap because the skin doesn't feel clean.

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