Jasmine essential oil

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I bought a Jasmine FO. from, "From Nature With Love," but haven't used it yet. It smells so good in the bottle. Sure hope it doesn't smell like cat pee or dog poop & flowers in the soap. If I make a soap that stanks, it goes in the trash. I leave a review & sigh because I have wasted money & time. Ugghhh...... I'll let ya know how this one goes. I am not a fan of essential oils. I stick with FO's.
Jasmine EO has never smelled like that to me. I do have the added bonus of smelling it when I pass by homes of people who own the plants though.
I checked with about 15 vendors at the farmers market. Only 4 smelled unpretty (2 dog poop). So, we are in the minority.

Ylang ylang complete EO smells all flowers to me so I was expecting the same with jasmine

Edit: changed vendor count from 10 to 15
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I bought a Jasmine FO. from, "From Nature With Love," but haven't used it yet. It smells so good in the bottle. Sure hope it doesn't smell like cat pee or dog poop & flowers in the soap. If I make a soap that stanks, it goes in the trash. I leave a review & sigh because I have wasted money & time. Ugghhh...... I'll let ya know how this one goes. I am not a fan of essential oils. I stick with FO's.
Don't throw it away if it stinks - what smells yucky to you can be lovely to someone else. Find someone who loves it!
I have Jasmine absolute and in high concentrations, it can stink. The trick is to thin it down to a low concentration so that you can still smell the blooms, but not the unpleasant odors. Civet is a fragrance that was supposed to be delightful in very low concentrations. (cat pee smell in high concentrations?)

I just got home from the Autoharp gathering, and I mixed up Jasmine Grandiflora absolute at 20% in jojoba oil. It is extremely expensive! I explained to people that they could use just a drop of it with a lotion to thin it out on the skin, but no one was interested, even though I was giving it to them. It all came back home with me. 🤣🤣🤣

They were all quite happy to take the lavender absolute blended with 40/42 lavender essential oil from NS. I blended the two at 50-50 and used 20% concentration with perfumers alcohol. To me, it smells very fresh and green. I think next time I make the blend I might use 35-65 absolute to essential oil, or possibly less absolute. Time to experiment.

I think I will try putting some of my jasmine absolute in tiny amounts with the lavender blend. What do you think? Some information on blending Jasmine in natural perfume is here.
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They were all quite happy to take the lavender absolute blended with 40/42 lavender essential oil from NS. I blended the two at 50-50 and used 20% concentration with perfumers alcohol. To me, it smells very fresh and green. I think next time I make the blend I might use 35-65 absolute to essential oil, or possibly less absolute. Time to experiment.

I think I will try putting some of my jasmine absolute in tiny amounts with the lavender blend. What do you think? Some information on blending Jasmine in natural perfume is here.

I mixed jasmine with vetiver, neroli, lavender, and ylang ylang complete (per this thread) and the dog poop is gone!

Edit: added the link to the blend
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I bought a Jasmine FO. from, "From Nature With Love," but haven't used it yet. It smells so good in the bottle. Sure hope it doesn't smell like cat pee or dog poop & flowers in the soap. If I make a soap that stanks, it goes in the trash. I leave a review & sigh because I have wasted money & time. Ugghhh...... I'll let ya know how this one goes. I am not a fan of essential oils. I stick with FO's.
I tried a Jasmine (white) fragrance oil from WSP. Same dog poop and flowers. But not as strong on either. 😭