It's been in the oven for almost 2 hours!

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My apologies, gloppygloop. For whatever reason, my mind was jumbling up different posts by different posters, thereby causing me to grossly misunderstand/misinterpret things. I most definitely shouldn't post on an empty stomach! :lol:

IrishLass :)

No apology necessary at all, Its a good old discussion!!! I never stop learning or experimenting and I just say what it is I found or find as opposed to what I read in books or online etc. But heavens forfend and empt stomach!!! now that is serious!!! especially as it is marmalade making day for me today!

To be clear, gloopygloop, my only objection to your post & what I (and I believe others) were trying to point out, is what I have bolded:

Carry on! :mrgreen:

No problem at all sometimes we agree to disagree, we are all different after all but sorry I dont quite understand is it that you feel soap is not safe until after 4 weeks? if you do feel that I just dont, I feel its a lot nicer after 4 weeks but I would say you SHOULD NOT use until after that time, its fine and I have found still nice but a whole lot nicer for sure after time, I am talking zap free soap by the way, if it wasn't that might be quite another story, :think:
We're reacting to a statement ~you~ said about CP soap not being safe to use for weeks. See post 22, last sentence.

Not seeing that quote on post 22 which is by Laurabolyard who quote me saying

"My soap is always done after 45 minutes, by done I mean zap free but i agree you can pour it even if it is zappy as it will cure out."

Am I missing something? if I have said words to that effect somewhere then I must have had an empty stomach also! as I am saying it is safe but better after longer as I believe you had stated and I agreed wholeheartedly, although as you see I am speaking more about HP as it is what I do although I have done lots of CP in the past and would agree that full gel CP is probably no different to HP. Think we must have our proverbials in a twist somewhere.
I'm on a mobile device, and am having trouble with quoting other's posts or I'd do that. I'm still seeing the relevant post as post #22. It's your second post made on January 5th. Definitely your words, not a quote.
I'm on a mobile device, and am having trouble with quoting other's posts or I'd do that. I'm still seeing the relevant post as post #22. It's your second post made on January 5th. Definitely your words, not a quote.

Ah yes it is post 20 and I did say that which is not what I actually meant at all, the word safely should not have been in there and thank you for pointing that out and I apologise if I lead you on a wild goose chase, badly chosen words.
There's a movie My Cousin Vinnie where two characters have a perfectly logical discussion ... but one is talking about one thing and the other character is talking about something completely different.

deep announcer's voice: This "My Cousin Vinnie" moment has been brought to you by the fine folks at the Soap Making Forum. And now ... a word from our sponsors!
There's a movie My Cousin Vinnie where two characters have a perfectly logical discussion ... but one is talking about one thing and the other character is talking about something completely different.

deep announcer's voice: This "My Cousin Vinnie" moment has been brought to you by the fine folks at the Soap Making Forum. And now ... a word from our sponsors!

LOL on this side of the water we call it....ahem, knickers in a twist!!!!!

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