It might not be nice.. But I made it myself..

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What recipe did you use, and did you like the final product in use?

Great pictures!

Thanks ZandarKoad.

So far, I am more satisfied with my body soap. But my main intention for soaping is to do up a shampoo bar for my flaky scalp.

My basic ingredients are CO, PO and OO. I keep these 3 to about 60-70% and the balance, I will shuffle around different oils. So far I try avocado, rice bran, red palm oil, macadamia nut oil etc. Red palm oil and avocado mixture is one of my favourite.
My first attempt to do swirls. Too bad, the soap on the right, i use a color that is almost invisible, so I don't know how the swirls look like. Both are formulated for my sister.

hoegarden I made soap on Wed. that looks almost just like the one on the left. I wanted swirls but I got very little, I must try again. What did you scent it with?
Hi Terminatortoo, your nick is cute. I use lavendar for it. For the swirl, i mix it using lavendar powder. So itz lavendar double up.
I think they look great !!! Sometimes less is more I personally would rather a nice funtional bar than a tie dyed bar that doesn't do its intended job.
I got a little hole in the middle of my latest soaps. I won't even know it exist if I didn't happen to cut through it. There is a liquid that flows up (but dry up already). I taste the liquid, it don't zap so I rule out the lye.

Any idea what else could it be?


They look like air bubbles. I get those all the time. The liquid is clear, right? It's most likely glycerin.

I got a little hole in the middle of my latest soaps. I won't even know it exist if I didn't happen to cut through it. There is a liquid that flows up (but dry up already). I taste the liquid, it don't zap so I rule out the lye.

Any idea what else could it be?
I got a little hole in the middle of my latest soaps. I won't even know it exist if I didn't happen to cut through it. There is a liquid that flows up (but dry up already). I taste the liquid, it don't zap so I rule out the lye.

Any idea what else could it be?

That's definitely a stray bullet hole. .22 caliber by the looks of it. ;)
All your soaps look wonderful! I can't wait to start making my own batches!