Is this the daughter from hell?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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I have just finished taking away the last trailer load of rubbish and repairing all the broken doors and windows in the house my partner bought to give her 27 yo daughter somewhere to live. She only paid rent for the first month and then refused saying that she could not afford rent and cigarettes whilst renting rooms out to her friends. After 6 months of not paying rent and the bank about to pounce we finally forced her out and as a final act of betrayal she sold the new reverse cycle aircon her mum had installed to keep her and her daughters comfortable on ebay the day she moved out. I told my mother I would write a book about the antics of this girl and she said no one would believe you. :D
sounds like someone has led a spoiled life.

out on the streets, with no money from me, if was my kid/stepkid. cigarettes should be the last thing on your affordability list. you can't afford rent, you can't afford smokes. can't afford to buy food, can't afford to buy smokes.
You are right, she was spoilt rotten and the social security system in Australia means that she has picked up rent assistance and unemployment benefits since age 15 and this will continue until she is 60 and gets the age pension. This women has given birth to 4 children but only chose the 2 she liked and gave the other 2 to their father after they spent 6 months in my house while the court decided which one of their parents was less dangerous. :D
Sounds like a bad episode of intervention.. without the drugs....
After some long hard years I FINALLY realised you do your kids absolutely no good,at all,by continually bailing them out financially when they get themselves in the poo.The 1st couple times,fair enough.But when they continually do the same thing,over & over? At some point they need to experience consequences for any sort of growth to happen.
I suppose I was lucky to have been born to the worlds greatest mum, she instilled in me a work ethic which I have tried to pass onto my 3 sons. As they were growing up i refused to give them anything unless they worked for it, this cost me an arm and a leg as I bought most of the manure they bagged and most of the thousands of eggs their chooks layed but my 2 oldest boys went on to buy their first cars that were only a few years old with all the safety features I only dream about. I agree that you do no one any favours buy bailing them out all the time. My oldest son is studying at Uni now and refused an offer by me to contribute to his rent, he flips burgers and says he will paddle his own canoe. He assures me he will buy me a 1966 Ford Galaxy when he is a millionare. My partners ratbag daughter needs and deserves a swift kick up the behind.:D
ewepootoo said:
I agree that you do no one any favours buy bailing them out all the time.
You are so right. We are friends with an older couple that raised 4 kids to be spoiled rotten. Whatever they would do, mum & dan would always be there for them. 3 of them turned very, very nasty adults who are raising incredibly rotten children...
On the other hand, I've been taking care of myself since I was 16. That situation was by no means ideal; but if I'm allowed to say it, my life turned out pretty darn good :lol:
The key I think is an equal amount of freedom and responsibility...