Infusing Water

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I want to try to make a lilac soap. I was thinking of picking some lilacs from my dad and putting it in water. Would the scent transfer that way? Or am I missing a step?
LushishLux said:
I was gonna purchase that as well. Is there any use for lilac infused water?
I can't think of any off hand. That water will grow mold, germs or bacteria over time since you used fresh plant material.
LushishLux said:

I make soap from tea water... I brew it by placing it in the sun for about a day then I keep it chilled. I then use it to mix with as the water in my lye solution. The temp of the lye i believe kills any chance of bacteria growing.

You won't get much of a smell but it could give you some natural coloring that you might enjoy.
I like to simmer herbs, like lavender and rosemary, sometimes alone and sometimes I mix the two of them. I simmer it for an hour or so, let it cool and then use it in place of the water. It adds extra aroma to the soap.
You can also infuse herbs into oil. I put herbs in a jar of oil, place it in a warm place for a week, and then use this herb infused oil in my soap.
soapbuddy said:
Blaine said:
You won't get much of a smell but it could give you some natural coloring that you might enjoy.
Lilac won't give you any natural coloring. Color from Lilacs is not CP stable.

yeah maybe poo brown color lol

I have used lavender as an infusion and i have noticed that just a very small faint scent makes it through, but I think it was more that I knew what the base soap smelled like unscented (it was CP) and I knew it smelled different with the infused water, using no EO's or FO's but I think anyone other than I would not be able to know.... I think it is a nice addition psychologically (you could say it was made with lilac infused water and it would be cool and esthetically pleasing) but wouldnt really offer any pronounced effects in the finished soap :)
There is now a lilac concrete made using CO2. It costs $355 for a 1/4 ounce - you might want to stick with the FO. Nature's Garden has a fantastic Lilac FO that smells very, very real...