Adding colloidal gold and silver (particles) to oils

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Never mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself? Listen to what I say when I don't have to listen to you? Is how you treated me.

Shame. Sounds like you might have had some interesting or useful information you were willing to share.

You're full of contradictions artemis

All the best artemis.
Love your neighbor as yourself? Listen to what I say when I don't have to listen to you? Is how you treated me.

Shame. Sounds like you might have had some interesting or useful information you were willing to share.

You're full of contradictions artemis

All the best artemis.

Ok. Verbatim:

Dear Squidstings,
Thank you for your thoughtful gift. We appreciate your generosity.

Various people at the forum
To tell the truth, I decided after I typed it that this conversation was not worth my time and effort, so I deleted what I posted. This is turning into a pointless conversation, in which you want to reject anything that is said to you and seem to just want to be thanked for taking the time to share.

Thank you for your time. Thank you for your research. No thank you for the negative attitude.
I am wondering if maybe you could use gold or silver leaf as they are very thin? Just a thought. Also, since it is a gift this is not relevant but for others actually the words salve and balm are considered medical terms as well and you would be good to avoid them.
I am wondering if maybe you could use gold or silver leaf as they are very thin? Just a thought. Also, since it is a gift this is not relevant but for others actually the words salve and balm are considered medical terms as well and you would be good to avoid them.
I think foil would definitely be better than nothing. Water, being one of the best solvents we know of, will take up gold and silver atoms from the foil. direct skin contact will also be beneficial I think. Certainly help one sell it if that were their goal lol

Colloidal silver, I make myself. Colloidal Gold (actual pure H20 = AU ONLY), is a noticeably different process. My opinion is, go with the nano particles for anything other than an extra 9 at the end of the 99.999% of things soap kills.

If you want to sell it, foil would definitely make it easier to believe they're in there. They'd look amazing on a sales table I bet. But that's where you start losing "freedom" when it comes to the words you're allowed to use.
I think foil would definitely be better than nothing. Water, being one of the best solvents we know of, will take up gold and silver atoms from the foil. direct skin contact will also be beneficial I think. Certainly help one sell it if that were their goal lol

Colloidal silver, I make myself. Colloidal Gold (actual pure H20 = AU ONLY), is a noticeably different process. My opinion is, go with the nano particles for anything other than an extra 9 at the end of the 99.999% of things soap kills.

If you want to sell it, foil would definitely make it easier to believe they're in there. They'd look amazing on a sales table I bet. But that's where you start losing "freedom" when it comes to the words you're allowed to use.
I wonder if gold leaf could be used between layers (like a mica line) or would it cause the soap bars to separate (like when you use too much mica)? I see this conversation has somehow ended but am curious about this now.mOne thing Inlove about this forum is all of the interesting questions/answers/discussions.
I wonder if gold leaf could be used between layers (like a mica line) or would it cause the soap bars to separate (like when you use too much mica)? I see this conversation has somehow ended but am curious about this now.mOne thing Inlove about this forum is all of the interesting questions/answers/discussions.
Your post keeps it going for me.

However, I've been told multiple times asking the same question on different threads because I don't expect lotions hobbyists to frequent the Lye Soap thread, is "confusing" and "unkind". To me it's just asking different people, but they deleted the other threads anyways. So, Maybe someone who's more farmiliar with the rules can advise us about continuing a thread OFF topic.

I considered the same thing with the leaf. Anywhere there's a piece, it'll cause such separation. But as with a mica line, even distribution to prevent such clumping should be important I think. But you already said "too much" lol

I make my own Colloidal silver and was hesitant to pay/trust for Gold. I bought some gold leaf. First, it's a pain in the tender parts to handle. You'd want it distributed in sheet type pieces, but it wants to ball and fold like nothing. 10 sheets turns into 10 minuscule balls somewhere in the entire batch. Very challenging to get a quality distribution for any reason I can think of. I find myself wondering if the flakes could be laser ablated into little purple clouds before the batch sets. That would look amazing.

I paid around $65 CAD for a bottle of Colloidal Gold with, maybe $1.25 worth of gold in it. Advertised as 10ppm (i think that's low). Used less than 1/8th the bottle for a 1.5kg batch. I believe I'm still learning the benefits of what I've done. Especially with newish possible challenges that might be floating around in the future.