I was curiously looking at different web sites by suppliers. Quite a few have recipes. I guess what I don't understand though, is why try to find that perfect recipe so it's safe for everyone, doesn't melt quick, doesn't have as much potential for DOS, etc. when many of these web sites have recipes that are perfect examples of all of the above? I've been so cautious about about selling because maybe my soap was too drying, too much coconut oil, or maybe it'll have DOS in a year too much hemp, rice oil , or maybe it'll melt too quick. Then, when I look at some of these recipes, I think, gosh how can they post those, knowing all those things might happen and someone might use that recipe to sell thinking it's good and won't have problems? I must think life is black and white and there's only the perfect answer? What is truly considered a "bad" soap? Thanks all! I'm still going to PT--haven't been on awhile, but slowly getting back to normal.