This would be my third batch, first one looked like this
and second like this
For third i was thinking about making black and white soap with some swirls. Since i need white i could use lard, and black part would be coloured with active charcoal. I have some EOs coming too for manly man soap (what EOs are good for man soap?).
Apart from lard , i have some OO and some castor. But, with OO i would get yellow soap (like in castile in second batch) and not pure white as i plan, so dont know what to add with lard to get pure white? I have never worked with charcoal and EOs , so it would be good practice.
and second like this
For third i was thinking about making black and white soap with some swirls. Since i need white i could use lard, and black part would be coloured with active charcoal. I have some EOs coming too for manly man soap (what EOs are good for man soap?).
Apart from lard , i have some OO and some castor. But, with OO i would get yellow soap (like in castile in second batch) and not pure white as i plan, so dont know what to add with lard to get pure white? I have never worked with charcoal and EOs , so it would be good practice.